Customers rush to Biltema

Customers rush to Biltema

More and more people go to Biltema and shop. At least in Norway.

There, sales of a certain have increased by 280 percent compared to last year – and that because of the situation in the outside world, something like Norwegian Dagbladet Be the first to report.

There are water cans and jugs that sell like butter in the neighboring country.

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Customers rush to Biltema – here’s the reason

In connection with Russia invading Ukraine, several chains in Sweden saw that customers demanded specific products for renovation.

– We had about 20 times as many orders as we usually have, said Fredrik Qvarnströmfounder of the store survival store, in a previous interview with News24.

Read more: Enormous demand for crisis equipment: “totally crazy”

“Doubled sales”

Laila SolbergPress manager for the Norwegian Biltema, tells the newspaper that the cans are far from the only products that have been in popularity.

– We also see a doubling of the sale of products such as gas burners, cooking devices and other recommended equipment for own preparedness, she tells the newspaper.

Even at Claes Ohlsson in Norway, sales have increased, but there are radios that are popular instead.

Just as the authorities in Sweden have come out with advice and recommendations, Norwegian authorities have said that it may be time to equip themselves at home.

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News Today – Current news from Sweden and the world
