Customers rage at Postnord: “Angry, sad and frustrated”

Customers rage at Postnord Angry sad and frustrated

The letters do not arrive on time, packages are stolen or delivered broken and the Swedish people’s anger towards Postnord is growing. What is actually happening with the post office in Sweden?

In a series of articles reviews News24 why Postnord is getting worse and worse and cannot deliver the letters on time.

Here you can read the first part: Harsh criticism of Postnord: “More expensive and much worse”

And the second part: The stress at Postnord caused Klara, 20, to crash: “Forgot everything”

In the third part, Nyheter24 spoke to four people who, in one way or another, are dissatisfied with the way Postnord does its job.

Confidence in Postnord is falling

In 2015, every second Swede had confidence in “Posten”. Today, the figure is down to 19 percent, which is the lowest since 2020. According to the “Trust Barometer” for 2024, Postnord ends up in seventh place among the companies that Swedes trust the least.

In 2023, there were 28,083 complaints regarding domestic letters, and 5,734 regarding letters sent abroad, according to statistics from PTS that Nyheter24 has seen. Compared to last year, customer opinions have decreased by 2 percent, but seen over a longer period of time, complaints have increased sharply.

The Post and Telecom Agency’s measurements also show that the Swedish people are becoming increasingly irritated with Postnord.

– We do measurements at regular intervals where we look at people’s experience, and we can see that satisfaction has decreased, says Emma Maraschinhead of PTS’ unit for postal issues, to Nyheter24.

Emma Maraschin, head of PTS unit for postal issuesWatch for 14,000 disappeared in the mail

Elliot Shreiner had ordered a watch worth 14,000 kroner as a present to himself for passing his studies as a ship captain.

The watch was to be delivered by Postnord and a message was sent to Elliot Shreiner that he could pick it up. But there was no watch at the agent’s place, and according to the agent, it had never been delivered.

The watch never arrived and when Elliot Schreiner complained, it turned out that Postnord has no responsibility for what is delivered in the packages.

– They are thus conducting an activity for which they themselves do not take responsibility. As if I, as the captain of a ship, were to tell my guests that “I am not responsible for your safety on board, blame yourselves,” says Elliot Shreiner.

Anna Pettersson have daily problems with letter delivery.

– The mail very often arrives several weeks late, she says and continues:

– I often receive my neighbors’ mail in my mailbox and my mail ends up with other people. It happens very often, despite the fact that the name of the door is not even the same.

The Postnord CEO’s crazy salary: This is how much Annemarie Gardshol earns

Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TTT forced to pay SEK 650 for vacuum cleaners that never arrive

Maria Carpenhammer has an ongoing case with Postnord. In November, she ordered a vacuum cleaner from the company Nordivac.

– I ordered it and bought it via Klarna because it should be safe. After that, it took a while and then I received an SMS from Postnord regarding delivery requests. I was then given the day and approximate time when the delivery would take place, she says.

Maria Carpenhammar was at home all that day, but no vacuum cleaner ever appeared. According to Postnord, the postman had not found her.

– I mentioned that they had sent me an SMS, then he could call me too. I asked them to stop the delivery so I could go down and pick it up. But it was too late, I got an answer.

For three months, she has been in almost daily contact with Klarna, Postnord and Nordivac for them to cancel the invoice for the vacuum cleaner that never arrived.

Nordivac has withdrawn the invoice for the vacuum cleaner, but kept the shipping fee of SEK 650. A fee that the company wants paid for, and which Postnord refuses to pay for.

– I am so angry, sad, frustrated and powerless in this, says Maria Carpenhammar and continues:

– You feel like you are pushing yourself bloody against a concrete wall. They throw one back and forth. The invoice remains with Klarna, Nordivac thinks I should pay the shipping and Postnord gets away with it even though they are the ones who made the mistake.

Postnord never delivered Maria Carpenhammar’s vacuum cleaner, but she still has to pay the shipping. Photo: Private

Annette Larsen has on several occasions not received goods she ordered to be delivered by Postnord. An order for roller blinds to be delivered in person meant that on the day of delivery she sat at home and waited, but no package arrived.

According to Postnord, the package has been delivered, but since it never arrived, it is likely that the postman left it outside the door and that the blinds were stolen.

– Nowadays, I try to choose shipping companies other than Postnord, but that choice is not always available, she says.

Nyheter24 has on several occasions sought Annemarie Gardshol and the person in charge at Postnord for an interview, but they have declined to participate due to “time and availability”.

Do you know more?

Do you have a story about Postnord that you want to share? Do you work as a postman?

Get in touch at [email protected] or text 0702024841!

Here, Postnord refuses to deliver letters
