Current banknotes will disappear, this is what the new ones will look like

Current banknotes will disappear this is what the new ones

A change has been started by the European Central Bank.

There are fewer and less in portfolios in France, but in the European Union, their circulation is still important. Bank tickets (and coins) still represent approximately one in two transaction on the old continent, proof that, even if it is in clear decline (72% in 2019), the liquid still makes resistance. To the point that the European Central Bank wishes to renew the range of tickets.

The current tickets – for 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 euros – will soon be removed, little by little, from traffic, to make way for new series with a modified design. The European Central Bank presented the possible future patterns affixed to the various cuts, a little more than 10 years after having released a second version of each ticket.


Changing the reasons for banknotes is a long process. The announcement was made in December 2021 by the ECB and, since then, various stages have been taken. Recently, the institution presented the two types of reasons that are still in the running. One of the two will be the one affixed to future tickets.

The first theme chosen is that of European culture. Thus, Maria Callas, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Marie Curien, Miguel de Cervantes, Léonard de Vinci and Bertha von Suttner could be the groans of the rectos of the next cuts. On the back, scenes of life (street artists, children’s choir and adults, class of a school, reading in a library, visit to a museum, exchange in a public garden) could be displayed.

The second theme in competition is that of rivers and birds. Marine, mountainous landscapes, as well as various birds (passerine, martin-fisher, guys, stork, avocet, crazy bassan) could adorn a face, while the European institutions (parliament, commission, ECB, court of justice, European council, court of accounts) would be present on the back.

Now, a graphics competition open to all designers of the European Union will be launched. A public consultation for the choice of future tickets, then a decision of the Council of Governors will not be taken until 2026. Finally, “when the graphics were adopted, the Council of Governors will decide on the production and emission calendar of future tickets. It will then take several years before the first tickets are produced and arrive in our CARRENAIES”, warns the European Central Bank.
