culture, economy, ecology… The summary

culture economy ecology The summary

MELENCHON PROGRAM. Jean-Luc Mélenchon wants to change the Constitution, and promote the foundations of a less economically liberal society, where “harmony between humans and nature” reigns. Here is his program in summary.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon is a candidate for the third consecutive time in the presidential election and wants to register in the continuity of 2017, but this time, to reach the second round. It relies on strong economic, cultural and ecological measures. What about his other proposals? His full program is available on his website, but here is a tight summary of his project for France.

L’Insoumis is in favor of the idea of ​​imposing a blank year for the profits of the CAC 40. In terms of taxation, the MP wants to overhaul corporate tax to establish equality before the tax between SMEs and large groups, by introducing a progressive scale according to the profits made and their destination. He also wants to abolish the flat rate tax, restore the solidarity tax on wealth with a climate component, reduce VAT on basic necessities and tax capital income “like that of work”.

For Jean-Luc Mélenchon, “money exists to live better, debt is not a problem”. The candidate intends “to demand from the European Union that the European Central Bank buys public debts and transforms them into perpetual debts at zero interest”.

To revitalize the culture, Jean-Luc Mélenchon plans to increase the budget “devoted to arts and culture to 1% of GDP per year”. This “will in particular lead to an increase of more than a third of the budget of the Ministry of Culture, and will also increase the budgets devoted to culture of the other ministries and local authorities as well as that of the public audiovisual sector”, underlines the candidate. Insubordinate France.

He wants to create a National Center for artists-authors and authors who “will organize professional elections to negotiate and set up social protection adapted to these professions, encouraging creation as well as the intermittency of the show. Also, Jean-Luc Mélenchon wishes ” professionalize and revalorize the place of artistic and cultural education throughout schooling”, in particular by developing the training of primary and secondary teachers in these questions. All schools would also be twinned with cultural establishments, to facilitate the meeting with artists.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon proposes the creation of an Ecological Planning Council. Attached to the Prime Minister, this structure would coordinate the drafting of a planning law”, while at the same time, his Ministry of Ecology would put in place “urgent measures”: the ban on glyphosate and neonicotinoids, the reopening of stations closed since 2017, or the thermal renovation of buildings.He wishes to enshrine in the Constitution the principle of the “green rule”, according to which we do not take more from nature than what it is able to give with the objective of reducing emissions by 65% ​​in 2030 and publishing an annual report.

  • The LFI candidate says he wants to put “social” at the heart of his campaign. “We have emergency security laws, emergency health laws: it is time to have a social emergency law“, he insisted in an interview granted to the JDD on September 11. This social emergency law includes “the freezing of prices on basic necessities, the increase of the minimum wage to 1,400 euros net and the postponement repayment of state-guaranteed loans.
  • The candidate of the People’s Union says he wants to put an end to the policy of “numbers” within the police. He wants to restore the police of proximity, reinforce the training of the agents and abolish the BAC. It also intends to ban the use of dangerous law enforcement equipment.
  • At the level of justice, he promises the recruitment of 13,000 magistrates, 20,000 clerks, and 10,000 administrative staff. He wants to make certain routine procedures like divorce free.
  • On the pension reform, the candidate of La France Insoumise detailed what methods he could put in place to finance the payment of a full pension (at least equivalent to the minimum wage) to any employee who has contributed for 40 years. The candidate proposed three solutions on BFM Business on November 4. “We only have to put the salary of women at the level of that of men and social security contributions will pay the difference”, he first explained. As an alternative, he proposes to create “a million more jobs”: “If there are a million more jobs, we finance retirement at 60 in 40 annuities”, he underlined in particular . Third track: “A two-point surcharge on all salaries above 3,400 euros”. The LFI candidate also justified the extent to which this aspect of his program was fundamental: “You know like me that working too long is harmful to health and that harming health increases distress in personal life, increases illness, increases unemployment of seniors which today costs 3 billion. In other words, what you have not paid in retirement, you pay it in unemployment, big deal.
  • Regarding the rights of succession, he intends to cap inheritances at 12 million euros. “Beyond 12 million euros, I take everything”, asserted the candidate of the radical left.
  • Jean-Luc Mélenchon intends to come back to the privatizations several activities, in particular that of the airports, of the Française des jeux but also of the motorways, according to the program
  • On the health and vaccination pass, Jean-Luc Mélenchon has positioned himself as a fervent opponent. “We oppose the health pass because it is an attack on freedom in the world of work, in society, in human relations” he had launched at the end of August. During his interview with the JDD, the deputy returned to his rejection of the pass: “To make believe that its holders no longer present a danger to others, that’s false! But the health pass creates a society of generalized control. Generalized filing , absurd inopportune controls, etc. I said it in all tones and I voted against”.
  • L’Insoumis defends the national sovereignty and, in terms of European policy, he wishes to “restore it, based on two essential clauses: social, ecological and democratic non-regression, and alignment with the best-priced standards”. He explains that he wants to “use the opt-out clause (disengagement, in French, editor’s note) when the treaties are contrary to the commitments of the program”.

If you wish to have more details and see all the measures proposed by the candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon, it is online, on his campaign site. Find his program here.
