Cübbeli Ahmet’s words about ‘handshake’ became the agenda on social media! “Maybe a man is sexually attracted to the man on the other side…”

Cubbeli Ahmets words about handshake became the agenda on social

Cübbeli Ahmet, who did not fall off the agenda with his statements, once again made a name for himself in the social media. Cübbeli Ahmet, who attracted attention with his statements in the broadcasts he attended, came to the fore this time with his interesting analysis of the two men’s handshake.

Cübbeli Ahmet said in his speech that sexual inclination may arise from the handshake of two men:


“There is a danger in handshaking. Why? Maybe a man has a sexual inclination towards the man on the other side and will not let go of his hand with the excuse of shaking hands with him. You doubted it, you looked, there was too much sincerity. Take your hand away even if you don’t have 10 good deeds.”

Cübbeli Ahmet’s words “What’s the matter”, “How do you think of such things”, “Women are over, is it men’s turn?” comments poured in.
