The text reacts in France: a column published in the newspaper Le Figaro. A forum signed by 13 healthcare organizations, representing 800,000 healthcare professionals. They reject the practice of euthanasia and qualify it as incompatible with the profession of care they exercise daily. While Emmanuel Macron opened the debate on euthanasia and assisted suicide last fall, these caregivers simply refuse to participate in a ” active assistance in dying “. The signatories refuse the euthanasia approach and want to persuade the government and parliamentarians to ” keep the world of care away from any involvement in a form of administered death “. The explanations of Ségolène Perruchio, head of the palliative care service at the Rives de Seine Hospital Center and vice-president of the French Society for Support and Palliative Care (Sfap).
Cry of alarm from caregivers who reject euthanasia: “Giving death cannot be a treatment”