Crunchy cop thriller with Jake Gyllenhaal about fighting drugs

Crunchy cop thriller with Jake Gyllenhaal about fighting drugs

There are some legendary cop duos in film history, many of them can be found in comedies. In End of Watch, however, Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Peña present us a more realistic and all the more dramatic image of two investigators in the drug scene that gets into the crosshairs of rival gangs. Today the exciting thriller comes on TV.

End of Watch on TV: Exciting and realistic everyday life

The best friends Taylor (Gyllenhaal) and Zavalla (Peña) are also a committed team at work. Although they can do so little against drug trafficking, they are full of zest for action and even create the mafia. When they start to determine on their own, the situation threatens to escalate and their families are also in great danger.

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Filming for End of Watch: Man was shot in front of Gyllenhaal’s eyes

With End of Watch, director David Ayer has succeeded in an urgent representation of everyday police officers in Los Angeles, which takes place far from the unrealistic popcino cinema. You can still expect exciting shootings, even if the film clearly focuses on the friendship of the two cops.

Ayer wrote the script in just six days (via Collider), but preparations for the actors were far more extensive and more intensive. The main actors spent a full five months at the LAPD and accompanied the police on their missions. As Gyllenhaal reported in an interview with The Guardian, A man was shot in front of his eyes on the first day. In addition to violence in southern LA, he also learned the rich culture of his inhabitants: know and appreciate inside.

The intensive preparation for the film becomes clear in the realistic representation, and the idiosyncratic camera work, which was shot in the found footage style, also contributes to this.

When does the gripping thriller end of watch on TV run?

RTL 2 Displays the cop duo in use at night Saturday, March 22nd at 2025 at 00:45 a.m.. There is no repetition, but you can also buy End of Watch on Amazon Prime Video.

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