CRT Foundation, former president Palenzona investigated for “hidden pact” affair

Banca di Asti Fondazione CRT acquires 6 for 37 million

(Telestock) – Fabrizio Palenzonaformer president of the CRT Foundation, has received a notice of guarantee from the Turin prosecutor’s office linked to the alleged hidden pact of the foundation of banking origin, with the hypothesis of the crime of corruption between private individuals in relation to the solicitation of the resignation of the board member of the institution, the lawyer Corrado Bonadeo.

“I cannot help but express my amazement for the news of investigations started against me for having induced Bonadeo’s resignation and I am at the disposal of the investigating authority for any information on the incident with the certainty of being able to clarify every element of the affair”, said Palenzona.

“I would like to point out that, as is known, I personally reported to the Supervisory Authority as soon as I became aware of the existence of a hidden pact between members of the bodies of the CRT Foundation promoted on the basis of a collection of signatures by the lawyer Bonadeo – he explained – Furthermore, as is equally known, I resigned as president of the CRT Foundation when the board of directors of the Foundation deemed, by majority vote, the complaint to the Supervisory Authority to be improper and unfounded, so as to also justify the immediate dismissal of the general secretary guilty of having, on my instructions, transmitted the documents to the Ministry of Economy”.

“As for the resignation of the lawyer Bonadeo, who acknowledged himself responsible and author of the so-called occult pact, every action I took was transparently represented to the bodies of the Foundation and the supervising Ministry”, he added.
