CrowdFundMe, placed Keelt minibond. Listed on ExtraMOT PRO3

Cyberoo business continuity despite impact of operational offices in Ukraine

(Finance) – CrowdFundMeCrowdinvesting platform listed on Euronext Growth Milan, announced that it has Keelt Group minibond successfully placed, a company active in the e-commerce sector that manages KechiQ, three of the main online platforms for the sale of branded watches. Furthermore, as of today, the bond instrument was listed on the ExtraMOT PRO3 of the Italian Stock Exchangethe market dedicated to alternative financial instruments to bank loans.

Through the minibond they were collected 435 thousand euros from qualified institutional and retail investors. The bond, with a rating of B1 + established by the Modefinance agency, offers an annual yield of 6% and has an amortizing & callable repayment plan (interest will be paid with a quarterly deferred coupon) for a total duration of the transaction equal to 60 months.

Keelt Group closed 2021 with a production value more than 5 million euros. According to the business plan, in 2026 the company will generate revenues of € 12.3 million (CAGR of 22% from 2020).

The resources raised will be used to meet the investments relating to the opening of physical stores in strategic locations (prestigious areas with customers suitable for the products marketed by Keelt), as well as for the evolution of the B2C e-commerce platform and the B2B service system. Investments are also planned in equipment and machinery for the new logistics centerand in the hiring of new staff.
