Crossing the legs: varicose veins, back pain, is it bad?

Crossing the legs varicose veins back pain is it bad

Crossing your legs when sitting would have an influence on posture and blood circulation. Does it cause back pain? The appearance of varicose veins? Insights with our experts.

Crossing the legs is for some people a reflex when sitting down. This very common position would have an influence on posture, muscles, joints and blood circulation. Is it bad? Does it promote back pain ? The appearance of varicose veins ? Expertise and advice from Charlène Chéron, chiropractor and Dr Guillaume Stalnikiewicz, vascular doctor in Wambrechies (59).

Does crossing the legs have consequences on our anatomy?

Crossing the legs can impact temporarily some of our anatomical structures because it can compress them, but decompression is immediate when changing position it’s usually not a problem“, emphasizes Charlène Chéron.

► From a muscular point of view:Certain muscle structures can be shortened or stretched when the legs are crossed, for example when sitting with the ankle on the opposite knee this causes a stretching of certain gluteal muscles. This stretch can be perceived as pleasant, in this case, there is no problemwould like to restore our expert. However, it is advisable to change legs in order tostretch structures in “symmetrical” ways.”
► From a joint point of view: crossing the legs causes significant external hip rotation (if the ankle is placed on the opposite knee) or vice versa internal rotation (if the knee is placed on the other). “To date, it does not seem that this has an impact on the articular structures. This is therefore not a problem unless it causes pain when changing position or when straightening up.“, she continues.

Good and bad sitting postures © ayakono –

Is it bad to cross your legs too much?

The cross-legged position is not suitable if the following symptoms appear:

  • Of the numbness,
  • Of the tingling,
  • A feeling of cardboard skin,
  • skin that changes color
  • Appearance of pain in the back, buttocks or groin

In this case, we change position: ideally put both feet on the ground, otherwise we reverse the crossed legs. In case we have trouble standing up after crossing your legs because of a pain in the groin or in the buttock, it is advised to avoid crossing them and possibly in the event of persistent embarrassment of consult for a hip check-up. At last, “if you are able to cross one leg but not the other, it can also be a sign of hip joint dysfunction (= hip joint), in this case a consultation to make a hip checkup is also indicated“, advises Charlène Chéron.

What are the consequences for traffic? A risk of poor venous return?

When you cross your legs, you have one of the two knees that comes into the hollow of the other knee. And behind the knee, there is a big pipe called the popliteal vein who will be compressed (it is already compressed when you are in a sitting position). Ultimately, it can indeed have harmful impacts on the blood circulation of the lower limbs.“, explains Dr. Stalnikiewicz. In the event of a history of venous pathologies (deep vein thrombosis for example) it is advisable to avoid crossing the legs to limit the risk of compression. Same thing if we present a edema in the lower limbs.

Does crossing the legs promote varicose veins?

You would have to cross your legs for many hours a day for varicose veins to form“, answers Dr. Stalnikiewicz straight away. If you cross your legs 2 to 3 hours a daythere is no risk of varicose veins.

Does crossing the legs cause back pain?

Back pain is multifactorial. In other words, many parameters are involved in its occurrence: physical inactivity, lack of sleep, stress, genetics…”Crossing the legs is not a known risk factor to date..
However, if you find that you have back pain after having crossed your legs, in this case it is simply necessary to avoid doing it. Also, if you spend a lot of time sitting, it is advisable to change position regularly to avoid back pain and to move to strengthen your back (a muscular back reduces the risk of pain)
“, recommends our chiropractic expert.

What solutions if you can’t not cross your legs?

Alternate leg crossing is a good start, and obviously change position regularly. Afterwards, if having your legs crossed is pleasant and does not cause any symptoms, there is no valid reason to stop.“, concludes our chiropractor.

Thanks to Dr Guillaume Stalnikiewicz, vascular doctor in Wambrechies (59) and Charlène Chéron, chiropractor.
