Cross-country skiing: Therese Johaug on the comeback plans: “Put it in front of me”

“I just pushed it in front of me. I am in full training but have not made a decision. There have been a lot of projects lately that have taken a little too much energy”, explains Johaug in the Norwegian podcast Löparrådet, according to VG.

The 35-year-old was superb in the distance races when she retired in the late winter of 2022. A year later, daughter Kristin was born. All along, the ski queen has been surrounded by comeback rumors for next season, when the WC at home in Trondheim is the highlight.

“Goes up and down in everyday life”

She made a strong statement by winning the Norwegian championships in the three mile by almost three minutes last spring. For a comeback to take place, everyday life must work with a training amount of around 20 hours a week.

“It goes up and down in everyday life, whether I feel like it or not. It varies, of course, depending on whether you’ve slept well or not when you have a little girl in tow,” says Johaug in the podcast.
