Cross-country skiing: Ebba Andersson wins the Jerring Prize in 2023

Ebba Andersson was awarded for a successful 2023 and took home the Jerring prize ahead of Armand Duplantis.

At the WC in Planica, she won gold in both the skiathlon and 30 kilometer classic. She also took a relay bronze and finished third in the ten kilometer freestyle.

– I don’t know if I expected to win this, she says and continues:

– It shows what a special place cross-country skiing has in the hearts of the Swedish people. I had a hard time believing it would reach Armand’s heights. Thanks to everyone who voted – it’s been an incredible 2023 for me.

Thanked dad

Ebba Andersson was not nominated for female athlete of the year but still took home the Jerring prize when the people had their say.

– There are many who have been involved. Above all my father, he is the one who has always stood by my side. In addition to a big thank you to him, I say thank you to everyone who has been a part of this journey.

Won big

She is the only cross-country skier apart from Charlotte Kalla to take home the Jerring Prize in the 2000s – and she won in style.

Ebba Andersson received 161,374 votes, which is significantly more than the runner-up, Duplantis, who had 92,865 votes.

Third place Daniel Ståhl collected 55,534 votes.

Here are all the award winners at the Sports Gala
