After the case a few hundred meters before the goal in the first five miles of the time for ladies at the World Cup, she finished four and tears never wanted to end.
“The head wanted something other than sleeping that night,” says Andersson from a sunny snowy Oslo.
When Andersson was going to put in the shock and took the track closest to the audience in the last uphill, she came too close to Frida Karlsson and the World Cup ended with a cruel fall after almost 2.5 hours of skiing in bottomless slush snow, among the widest ones seen in a ski competition.
Have you seen the sequence?
– Yes, but I have done that, just to process it fully, says Andersson and develops his answer in the player above.
Andersson, who also managed to be a guest in SVT’s talk show “Carina Bergfeldt” this week, hopes that the form will be intact during the competitions in Holmenkollen this weekend.
On Saturday, 20 km is classic run with interval start (11.30) and on Sunday 10 km free also with interval start (11.15).