Crocodile horror! Body parts of 12-year-old girl found

Crocodile horror Body parts of 12 year old girl found

After receiving a report that a 12-year-old girl was missing while swimming in a stream in the Northern Territory state of Australia, law enforcement launched a search. Following a 36-hour intensive search by land, air and water, body parts were found in the river system near where the girl went missing.


Senior Police Officer Erica Gibson, who stated that the body parts belonged to the girl who was reported missing, said that the injuries on the body parts found near the Palumpa area confirmed a crocodile attack.

Stating that this result was sad for the girl’s family and everyone involved in the search, Gibson reported that efforts to capture the crocodile were continuing.


Saltwater crocodiles, which are common in northern Australia, have been endangered in the past due to overhunting.

Saltwater crocodiles, at risk of extinction, were protected by law in 1970.

Although the current number of saltwater crocodiles in Australia is estimated to be around 100,000, attacks by these crocodiles are rare.

Many people lose their lives every year in Australia as a result of attacks by wild animals.

(AA)This content was published by Doğukan Akbayır

