Criticized the deal temporarily stopped – after fierce debate

The decision was preceded by a long and sometimes heated debate, where the political rift between the opposition and the government immediately became clear.

The Social Democrats, the Center Party and the Left Party had already announced a re-referral before the meeting, which means that the matter must now be sent back to the municipal board and a number of questions answered.

Many questions in the debate were about the suspected deadlock, the values โ€‹โ€‹of Vattenborgen and how the future cultural square in the municipality should be designed.

The timetable for the deal was also questioned.

– From the Center Party’s side, we are monitoring the taxpayers’ money in this, said group leader Magnus Larsson.

SD municipal councilor Christopher Larsson believes that the work on a new cultural center previously took too long.

– Now we are speeding up this issue.
