Criticism of tougher rules for sheltered accommodation

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TV4 Nyheterna has visited a support clinic for victims of violence in the Stockholm area, where there is concern. According to the staff, it has become increasingly common for abused women and their children to be granted fewer and fewer days in sheltered accommodation. This despite an increased need for help and support for women.

Bridgett Stehag, operational manager of Agera women’s shelter, says that many people who come to the reception and have been refused by the social service are in despair.

– Just the effort to plan to leave home and contact the authority. This usually means an increased danger for the woman, says Bridgett Stehag, director of operations at Agera women’s shelter.

According to the women’s emergency services, the development is due to increased bureaucratization, savings requirements within municipalities and high staff turnover, where social workers must be educated about men’s violence against women. The consequences can be devastating, says Stehag.

– The biggest risk is that women die. That’s how it is. And that children are left without their mothers, says Bridgett Stehag.

Watch the full feature in the player above.

Support is available here

At there is support and contact for women’s emergency services, girls’ emergency services and youth emergency services all over the country

There is also contact with women’s shelters, girls’ shelters and youth shelters all over the country. The emergency services support via chat, phone and IRL. The help is free and you don’t have to tell us who you are.
