Criticism of Lewas Snus – promises brilliant skin and weight loss

Swedish snus manufacturer Lewa markets several of its products such as “functional supplies” and supplements. Some contain nicotine, others do not. In common, they all contain important vitamins, minerals and fresh aromas, the company says.

One of the snuff is called “Glow” and will give you brilliant, moisturized and full skin. It claims, in any case, Lewa, and refers, among other things, to the ingredient Dracobelle – a plant extract that is said to counteract aging and stimulate collagen production.

“Burn” is called another snuff. It is said to help you increase fat burning and metabolism, as well as reduce sweet suction and appetite. It contains a substance called metabolicid, which is said to promote weight loss.

Experts critical

Experts as both TV4 News and P3 NewsHowever, who was the first to report on this, has talked to are critical. Skin scientist Johanna Gillbro points out, among other things, that the snuff largely consists of filling agents and additives, such as stabilizers, aromas and sweeteners.

– Dracobelle comes far down on the ingredient list and the concentration is not reported by the snus company, she tells TV4 News.

On its website, Lewa has published a scientific study on the subject Dracobelle, Moldavian Dragon Head in Swedish. The study is done by the raw material supplier itself, where a number of women have been taken 200 milligrams Dracobelle in tablet form for eight days.

– According to the study, skin’s humidity should increase by 14 percent and elasticity improves by six percent. But then you have eaten it. In the snuff you have no idea how much is on the subject or if it is even possible that the extract can be absorbed through the lip, says Johanna Gillbro.

“Extremely doubtful”

Both “Glow” and “Burn”, as well as all other “functional supplies” from Lewa, contain caffeine – a complex substance that seems different depending on how it is absorbed by the body, says the skin scientist.

– If you take caffeine on the skin, for example in the eye area, it can reduce swelling. However, it is not as unambiguous what happens when you get caffeine in the body. Caffeine has a certain diuretic effect and it could potentially reduce swelling, while at the same time it can cause sleep difficulties and for that reason increase the swelling. But that you would get more luster and youthful skin from putting caffeine under the lip is extremely questionable, says Johanna Gillbro.

– Caffeine may increase the heart rate a little bit, but it will not affect the metabolism, says Ylva Trolle Lagerros, overweight doctor and professor at the Karolinska Institute, to P3 News.

Lewa himself has not done any clinical studies on her products.

TV4 News is looking for Lewa.
