Over two days have passed, and two of the three killed chimpanzees have now been identified as Linda and Torsten. The fourth one that was shot could only be observed from the air lying alarmingly still, in the same position today as yesterday. At the same time, the staff have now been able to get to the three who are still alive. The incident has previously attracted criticism of Furuviksparken. Gefle Dagbland’s reporter Johan Järvestad did a major review four years ago: – There have been a lot of problems in the last 10 years, since the well-known animal keeper Ing-Marie Persson quit, he says. Järvestad’s overall picture is that the company that runs the park does not fully look out for the best interests of the animals. The shooting deaths are now being investigated by the police and Furuviksparken say they will assist in all possible ways. At the same time, the information manager believes that the park certainly cares for the animals. Watch the full feature in the player above.
Criticism of Furuvik is growing – there have been shortcomings for a long time