Criticism of expulsion for “lack of conduct” – the minister: “Don’t be worried”

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According to the so-called Tidö Agreement, which is the basis for the right-wing parties’ government cooperation, more foreign citizens should be able to be deported. It is about what is called in the agreement “lack of conduct”.

Examples include lack of compliance with rules, collaboration with criminal organizations, prostitution and drug abuse.

Among those who work with asylum cases there is a concern about the effects of a possible law, says Karin Gyllenring, lawyer and founder of Asylbyrån. Among other things, she addresses the letter about prostitution.

– It is not illegal to sell sex in Sweden today, so I have a hard time understanding how this behavior assessment should be done. Should we suddenly deport people who flee trafficking and human trafficking due to so-called vandalism? I don’t understand how to be able to get it in legally.

“Easy to abuse”

Andrea Voyer, Associate Professor of Sociology at Stockholm University, believes that there is a risk that such a law will be used in a discriminatory manner.

– They are easy to abuse, and to be used in a very unequal way, says Andrea Voyer, Associate Professor of Sociology at Stockholm University.

– It will be up to the individual migration officer to make a decision, based on their own personal perceptions, Voyer believes.

Court must decide

The investigation that is part of the Tidö agreement has not started, emphasizes Migration Minister Maria Malmer Stenergard (M).

– The investigation will have to look at exactly what will be required. I also want to emphasize that it is a court that must decide in these cases, says Malmer Stenergard.

“Difficult borderline”

Malmer Stenergard agrees that there are difficulties associated with the proposal.

– It is a genuinely difficult boundary-drawing problem, just as many have pointed out, and that is why it is so important that this is investigated in a serious way.

For those who take care of themselves, there is no reason to worry about the investigation into lack of conduct.

– If you come to Sweden and do everything you can to integrate, follow laws, norms and values, you should not be worried.
