Criticism hails – Popular GB ice cream has increased in price by 2,900 percent

Criticism hails – Popular GB ice cream has increased in

On a hot summer day, it can be pleasant to cool off with an ice-cold ice cream. A popular ice cream brand in Sweden is Glace-Bolaget, also called GB. The ice cream giant was founded in 1942 and sells the popular Magnum, Daim, Piggelin and Sandwich ice creams.

In recent times, the price of ice cream has skyrocketed and Caroline Neanderstatistician at Statistics Sweden, believes that there are several factors that influence the price increase.

– The fact that sugar prices have gone up affects ice cream production. Electricity prices also went up a lot a while ago, which affects the stocking of ice cream. Rents for shops and warehouses are also increasing. There are many different things that have affected food prices, she tells DN.

READ MORE: The ice cream favorite has become 25 percent more expensive – in three years

“I’m boycotting GB ice cream”

The fact that the prices of ice cream have increased has not gone unnoticed, judging from GB’s Facebook page. On the page, several people express their dissatisfaction in the comments under the ice cream giant’s various posts.

“Think of the families with children! How can they afford to buy your ice creams?”, one person commented.

“Not from GB ice cream, you can review the prices as I said. Don’t understand why people choose to buy ice cream from GB anymore.”, another person has written.

A person is willing to boycott the company because of the high prices.

“I am boycotting GB ice cream because of the prices. Can you present your kilo prices and at the same time show the size of the ice creams historically? Do you dare?”, the person writes in a comment.

Several people are upset about GB’s prices. Photo: Screenshot/Facebook/GB Glace

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The popular ice cream has become 2,900 percent more expensive

An ice cream that has skyrocketed in price is piggelin. The ice cream was launched in 1972 in both today’s Tutti-Frutti flavor and with a red orange flavor, writes Today’s PS.

What did a piggelin cost 50 years ago?

Smart reports that a piggelin only cost 50 öre in 1972. Today, the ice cream costs around 15 kroner. That’s a price increase of 2,900 percent.

– Most pieces of ice cream can be bought in bulk in a regular grocery store. So buy the ice creams there instead and put them in a thermos that you take to the beach. By doing so, you can save many hundreds of pounds over the course of a summer, he says Ola Söderlindcommunicator at Zmarta, to News24.


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