Criticism from a nuclear physicist and electricity debater – the dreams of a green industrial revolution unrealistic

It was the government subsidies that drove the rapid expansion of wind power, but now that they are gone, the wind power companies have run into problems. says Jan Blomgren, who participated in a new survey of wind power companies’ profitability.

– 80 percent of the companies are making a loss today, he says.

“Claw-fingered politicians”

He is generally skeptical of large subsidy packages from the state and the EU, which he believes only create a distortion.

“Politicians have become increasingly squeamish and are not satisfied with pointing out that goals should be reached, but also how, and which technology should be used,” he says.

As much as all nuclear power

He makes a comparison with the electricity demand that the large hydrogen projects in Norrland will have and all the energy that the rapid Swedish nuclear power expansion in the 1970s and 80s delivered.

– It took 22 years to build, from the first quote to electricity production, he says.
– It takes a long time to build electricity production.

In the clip; Jan Blomgren on why he doesn’t believe in today’s plans
