Criticism after Växjö’s decision: “Clear contact”

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

Leksand, who before this match had won seven of eight home matches, started best and clearly dominated the first period. A packed home arena cheered heartily when Kalle Östman scored 1–0 for Leksand after 14.53.

The goalscorer was also visibly pleased when he commented on the first period in C More:

— We are very intense, we rely on them a lot. Then we win the puck and create attacks.

Discussed the goal

In the second period, Växjö came back and went from a deficit to a 3–1 lead.

Hardy Häman Aktell equalized after 5.41 and in the last 85 seconds of the period Växjö scored two goals.

Lukas Bengtsson bombed in 2-1 in the power play and 33 seconds later came the controversial 3-1 goal signed by Kalle Kossila.

A goal that Leksand wanted to have ruled out because they considered that the goalkeeper Mantas Armalis, in the first stage, was disturbed by Martin Lundberg. Something that the referees let go and made it possible for Kossila to score in the next situation.

Leksandsbacken Olle Alsing was disappointed in C More:

— It’s a clear contact in the goal yard. He would blow right off in that case and take an interference. I guess it will be hard for him to rule it out in retrospect. There would have been a signal earlier.

Växjö’s Lukas Bengtsson was partly on the same line:

— In the first position, “Marre” (Martin Lundberg) is in the goal area. But since the judges didn’t blow there… “Marre” then goes out and doesn’t bother Mantas in the second position. That’s what I see. If they are going to blow, they should do so in the first instance, he says.

Chased receipt

In the third period there was drama when Oskar Lang reduced after 10.10 and Leksand went hard for an equaliser.

But it was a loss for Dalalaget, who can still hope for an exciting forward reinforcement.

Max Veronneau, who last year scored 34 goals for Leksand, has not succeeded well in his attempt to take a place in the NHL team San José Sharks. Now he even finds it difficult to place in the farm team San José Barracuda.

Thomas Johansson is prepared to welcome Max Veronneau if he wants to return.

— He knows where we stand and what we think. I’m convinced that if it becomes relevant, Max will call and say that now I’m done and want to go back, says Johansson to TT.
