Critical Turkey statement from the US Undersecretary of State Donfried!

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The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee held a hearing on Finland and Sweden’s application for NATO membership.

At the opening of the session, there was a brief quarrel between the Committee Chairman, Democrat Bob Menendez, and the Republican Jim Risch on Turkey.

When Menendez claimed that Turkey’s objection to the NATO membership of the two countries in question served Russia’s interests, Risch said, “Both Sweden and Finland informed us that they had good intentions to negotiate with Turkey. It is best to leave this issue to these countries. Let’s just say, this issue should be closed as soon as possible.” made his comment.

In his speech, Donfried noted that the joining of Finland and Sweden to NATO would further strengthen the alliance and also touched upon the concerns expressed by Turkey.


“We recognize Turkey’s legitimate concerns over terrorism.” Donfried pointed out that NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg promised to meet with Ankara, Helsinki and Stockholm on this issue.

Pointing out that Finland and Sweden’s NATO membership will be ensured by the votes of all countries, Donfried said, “Of course, the USA also wants to end support for terrorism like Turkey, we take this matter seriously. As far as I understand, the talks between these 3 countries are going well.” shared his opinion.

Pointing to the NATO summit to be held in Madrid next week, Donfried noted that at the end of the talks with Turkey, official documents regarding the NATO membership of Sweden and Finland could be signed at this summit.

Donfried added that Turkey, Sweden and Finland believe that Turkey’s concerns will be resolved soon.

YPG/PKK Confession from US Senator

On the other hand, the confession made by Senator Menendez in the session about the support given by the USA to the YPG/PKK did not go unnoticed.

Menendez said, “The reality is that Finland and Sweden’s positions on the PKK and SDF (YPG) coincide with ours. As you know, these organizations helped us in our fight against DAESH. Therefore, inviting all parties to work is a bit of hypocrisy. It would be great if they come to a solution, but I don’t know what Turkey wants to get from them.” used the phrases.

