critical situation in Mariupol, kyiv offers negotiations

On the 57th day of the Russian invasion, Ukraine on Wednesday called for talks with Russia over the fate of the beleaguered city of Mariupol, as Moscow showed force by testing a new intercontinental missile that can carry nuclear charges.

► Moscow has blocked the RFI website, which broadcasts information in fifteen languages ​​including Russian. An alternative URL address allows access to the site in French and in Russian. RFI in Russian is also available on Telegram: a VPN and in Russia in French via satellite on Hotbird.

► RFI’s Russian editorial site broadcasts Ukrainian public radio (in the Ukrainian language) from home page.

The essential points :

► Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on Wednesday a successful test of a new ballistic missile “ that will make those who try to threaten our country think twice “. This shot was a test of ” routine » and did not constitute « not a threat for the United States or their allies, put the Pentagon into perspective.

► While the fall of Mariupol seems imminent and the situation is critical for its last inhabitants and defenders, Mykhaïlo Podolyak, adviser to the Ukrainian presidency and one of the negotiators with Russia, proposed to Moscow a “ special negotiation session in the beleaguered port city on the Sea of ​​Azov.

► The President of the European Council Charles Michel, visiting kyiv, assured Wednesday that the European Union would “ everything possible “so that Ukraine” win the war against Russia.

► The corridor to evacuate civilians from the besieged port of Mariupol in southeastern Ukraine on Wednesday “ did not work “, according to Kyiv. An agreement had been reached with Russia during the day while no evacuation corridor had been set up in Ukraine since Saturday, for lack of agreement with the Russians who have intensified their strikes in the east in recent days. from Ukraine.

Times are given in Universal Time (UT)

4:22 a.m .: Ukraine calls for negotiations on the fate of Mariupol

Ukraine on Wednesday called for negotiations with Russia over the fate of the besieged city of Mariupol. Mykhailo Podolyak, adviser to the Ukrainian presidency and one of the negotiators with Russia, offered Russia a “ special negotiation session in Mariupol, a port city on the besieged Sea of ​​Azov.

We are ready to hold a “special negotiating session” in Mariupol. To save our guys, (the battalion) Azov, soldiers, civilians, children, the living and the wounded. Everyone “, he wrote on his Twitter account.

The situation in Mariupol, whose fall seems imminent, is terrible for its defenders and civilians. The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense pointed out that the Russian army “ concentrated most of its efforts on taking Mariupol and continued its assault attempts near the Azovstal steelworks “, the last island of resistance of this port located on the Sea of ​​Azov, at the southern end of the Donbass.

A building literally cut in two, on April 19, 2022.

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