Critical contacts in the grain crisis: Putin announced the conditions in his meeting with Erdogan! For the new deal…

Critical contacts in the grain crisis Putin announced the conditions

The grain crisis, which emerged with the Russia-Ukraine war and affected the whole world, was resolved by the efforts of Turkey and the United Nations, but re-emerged with the withdrawal of Moscow from the agreement.

Turkey’s initiatives started again after the grain agreement, which was seen as one of the most important developments in the war, was shelved. This was the main agenda item of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Russian President Vladimir Putin, who spoke on the phone the previous day.


There was no statement from the government regarding the meeting between the two leaders, but the Kremlin shared some details of the meeting and announced that Russia has conditions for a new grain corridor agreement. According to the information received, Putin told Erdogan during the meeting, “Moscow may consider returning to the agreement only if real guarantees are provided from Kiev.” said.


In a statement from Moscow regarding the details of the meeting, “Putin asked Erdogan for real promises from Kiev that the Istanbul Agreement would be strictly adhered to, and he especially wanted a promise not to use the humanitarian corridors for military purposes.” it was said. It was also announced that the deal could only be returned after the completion of an investigation into the drone attack on Crimea.

Putin voiced his displeasure

It was learned that in the phone call, Putin expressed an uncomfortable situation regarding the agreement. The Russian leader also reminded that the shipment of Russian agricultural products and fertilizers, which are included in the grain agreement, to the world markets has not been realized.


While Turkey’s efforts for a new agreement continue, Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said in a statement, “I talked to Lavrov twice about the grain corridor. Russia has a security request after the attacks. Our efforts continue.” said.
