Crisis, pressure on Draghi is growing: what will he do tomorrow?

Covid Draghi announces the end of the state of emergency

(Finance) – Tomorrow, Wednesday 20 July, it’s the day of truth, the one in which the Prime Minister Dragons will present himself to the Chambers after the resignation has been “frozen” by Colle, awaiting verification in Parliament. It starts tomorrow in the Senate, at 9.30 Draghi will speak in the Chamber and the discussion should last all day, with a possible vote of confidence at 19.30. The next day, Thursday, it will be the turn of the Room.

Meanwhile, the Premier had a half hour interview at Quirinale with president Mattarella. Before he had seen the secretary of the Democratic Party Letta, arousing the ire of Lega and Fi: ‘Why him and not other party leaders?’. Salvini and Berlusconi, on the other hand, met in the Cavaliere’s Roman house and the line seems to be decided: close to the 5S branded as ‘unreliable’.

“With friends from Lega, Udc and Noi with Italy we met at Villa Grande, here in Rome. The government center-right is evaluating the current political moment, which is really worrying, due to the inexplicable behavior of Giuseppe Conte, the 5 Star Movement and the Democratic Party, even in the last hours “, says Forza Italia leader Silvio Berlusconi, commenting on Instagram a video that portrays some moments of the center-right summit of government.

What will the Cinquestelle Movement do? “I wrote it in a chat: we will listen to Draghi’s speech in the classroom tomorrow. I find it clear that if he opens up to the main topics set within the 9 points by the 5-star Movement, it becomes unjustifiable not to confirm trust”. Thus the group leader of the M5s in the Chamber, Davide Crippa, at the end of the group leader of Montecitorio. “There is a variable, Draghi must say something”, he added, and to those who asked him if a split in the Movement is looming, he replied: “The object is what Draghi will say and how one will react to Draghi’s statements.”

Meanwhile, Draghi had a telephone conversation this afternoon with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky. It is learned from sources of Palazzo Chigi.
