Crisis meeting after alarm about acute shortage of places at Sis homes: “The worry is there all the time”

The extra meeting was then held by SKR in one request to the government last week raised the alarm about the lack of places – which is described as both urgent and unacceptable.

According to Camilla Waltersson Grönvall, the meeting – attended by SKR’s metropolitan network, Si’s authority management and the state’s Special Properties – was characterized by great frustration.

– But I perceive all actors in the meeting as very constructive in trying to solve this acute lack of space, and now we have a series of new tracks to work on, she says.

Proposals for properties

On July 1 this year, 54 young people were waiting in line for one of the country’s Sis homes. The lack of places exists all over the country, but is most acute in the big cities.

During the meeting, municipalities made proposals for properties that could be used, but according to Camilla Waltersson Grönvall, it is too early to say whether the premises live up to the requirements set by Sis operations.

Another solution that has been on the table is to double the seats that are currently available. However, that would mean a series of new challenges for the authority, points out Waltersson Grönvall.

– We are talking about young criminals with an extremely large capital of violence who come from rival gangs, so it is difficult, she says.

More acute during the summer

According to SKR chairman Anders Henriksson, the situation is more acute during the summer, when the gangs’ recruitment of young people increases.

“Children and young people in urgent need of care and protection, who are at risk of being shot or who may be shot themselves, do not get the safe places they are entitled to,” Henriksson said in connection with the home shelter being sent on its way.

According to Waltersson Grönvall, the parties will hold a follow-up meeting “in the near future”. She cannot answer if the lack of places can be improved during the summer.

– There is always the worry that we won’t be able to curb a situation in time, she says.

The opposition critical

The opposition is critical of Thursday’s lightning meeting.

– These are meetings that should take place regularly. In the best case, this is a wake-up call, in the worst case a populist diversionary maneuver, says Gustaf Lantz (S), a member of the social committee, to TT.

– Now there are seriously criminal young people running around who society deems should be locked up, extremely dangerous individuals. It’s a breakdown.
