Crisis in the trucking industry – 6,400 drivers nationwide are missing

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The industry estimates that 6,400 drivers need to be recruited this year and as many as 50,000 new drivers need to be hired over the next decade. At the same time, an estimated 10,000 drivers from Ukraine have disappeared in Western Europe since the war began in February, as many are now fighting in the military. Many of these drivers have also been active in Sweden.

– Our haulage company receives several new orders but has to turn it down as we have so much difficulty recruiting new drivers, says Peo Hinrichs, CEO of Hägersten’s haulage company.

Too few training places for young people

At the same time, the industry finds it difficult to match job seekers with driver training, but the most important reason for the driver shortage is that there are too few training programs.

– There are two applicants for each place, so there are many who want to train, says Sigalit Slutbäck, CEO of TYA, the Transport Union’s occupational and work environment committee.
