Criminals get into the brf board through goalkeepers

New figures from Tillväxtanalys show that 85 condominium associations went bankrupt this year, a sharp increase from previous years. At the same time, the Ecocrime Authority has received more reports of suspected crimes in condominium associations.

No one knows how many were affected

But there are currently no statistics on exactly how many condominium associations have been exposed to this type of financial crime.

The Brf cheat

  • Sharp increase in brfs in bankruptcy – Parisa: “We are afraid of losing everything”

  • Building permit officers are threatened – new rules can make it easier for criminals

  • – What we see now that SVT and other media have drawn attention to this is that more people are contacting us and telling us that they are being exposed, says Sara Persson, crime prevention specialist at the Ecocrime Agency.

    Hear the Ecocrime Authority’s advice to brf members in the video above.
