Criminal suspect Mats Löfving breaks the silence – after the police chief scandal

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

— I think this is very difficult. Things happen that I don’t recognize myself in and that I don’t understand, says Mats Löfving to The Express.

The newspaper revealed in December that Mats Löfving, regional police chief in Stockholm, was reported to the police for, among other things, assault, unlawful persecution and gross breach of peace by Linda Staaf, with whom he is said to have had a relationship.

Anders Thornberg appointed investigation: “Complete investigation”

On February 1, it was announced that Mats Löfving had been served with suspicion of crime.

— I have great respect for the fact that not only me but many others are involved in this. Everyone involved feels bad about it and finds it very troublesome, he says now.

Chief of the National Police Anders Thornberg appointed an investigation in December to conduct a “complete review” of the authority’s actions in connection with the high-profile disarray in the country’s top police leadership.

The conclusions of the investigation are reported

Next week, on February 22, the investigation’s conclusions will be presented.

— Not only me but many more have been waiting for it for much longer than that. I have great respect for the special investigator’s integrity and competence, says Löfving to Expressen.

Mats Löfving has been given other duties for the time being. Linda Staaf, who would have taken up a new position at the Ministry of Justice in January, has remained at Noa.
