(Finance) – Scrapping is not enough to solve the problem of state credit recoverybut it is necessary to rely on those who do this job as a profession. It is the goddess advanced by Enrico Risso, CEO of Intrum Italya leading company in the credit sector born from a joint venture between Intrum Group (51%) and Intesa Sanpaolo (49%), nl course of the audition before the Senate Finance Commission on the bill 1375 concerning long -term installment of tax loads.
Risso stressed that the Italian fiscal warehouse It can be imagined as a System in strong imbalance which continues every year to fill up more quickly than it can empty. In fact, in the face of about 60-70 billion euro of New credits per yeardo not exceed the 15-20 billion Of recoveries effective, with a Average annual recovery rate (calculated on the total stock equal to almost 1,300 billion) of just 1.3%. This percentage is significantly lower than that that private specialized operators, i Servicesthey usually manage to obtain: the latter record medium recovery rates that exceed 10% for the most recent credits and included between 3% and 5% on the oldest ones.
According to Risso the only one “scrapping” is not enough To deal with the problem of tax credit in a structural way and to report the system in equilibrium but a wider interventioninspired by the experience gained in the banking system of the last decade. To improve the collection performance it would be needed Act on 3 levers: outsourcing recovery activity through partnerships with specialized services; “Crash Program” To accelerate the recovery of specific clusters, in particular on the new flows; Sales of packages of credits in stock.
As part of the first lever, according to Intrum, one could be introduced public-private partnership Between Revenue Agency Collection – ADER (or other subject to public participation) and private services. An appccio similar to that of the United Kingdom, makes use of a Outsourcing in favor of 8 specialized players Private (and on which Intrum UK also has experience having worked for example with the council of Slough and Fulham).
Of course, the volume of flows of tax credits is over 3 times those produced by the whole banking system (over 60 billion euros of new tax credits against about 20 billion new bank deterioration flows), e The stock is about 5 times higher (1,267 billion of “warehouse” of tax credits against the approximately 260miliards of deteriorated credits of banking origin). To avoid simply moving the bottleneck On services, Intrum proposes to rely on companies that have developed technological platforms which also use artificial intelligence ensure a massive capacity for the processing of small tickets (for example under 10,000 euros) impossible for a company with a traditional operating model.
In this area, Intrum acquired Ophelos in 2023a Fintech UK that has developed an integrated digital platform based on artificial intelligence, “Master Legal” capable of managing huge masses of credits, and which could for example be in charge of the management of clusters characterized by bankruptcy procedures or legal disputes. Intrum Italy has been a participation for many years in a law firm that has already counts 200 professionals and which is rapidly growing.