It could cost sarnia $ 150,000 to upgrade a centennial park Memorial Project, If No Deep Digging is required, City Staff Say.

It could cost sarnia $ 150,000 to upgrade a centennial park Memorial Project, If No Deep Digging is required, City Staff Say.
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But Keeping Shovels Shallow While Upgrading the Missing Worker Memorial Site by Sarnia Bay Will Require Some Creativity, Said Communications Manager Steve Henschel
The Complexity has to do with a $ 13.5-million soil remediation project that Finished in 2017CAPED asbestos, lead and other contaminants found in the park with geotextile material, and topping that with about halt a metre of clean sand and soil, Henschel Said.
Breaking that Geotextile Barrier, That’s 0.5 to 0.7 meters Down, to create supports for Things Like Lampposts, Would Quickly Drive Up the Project’s Cost, Henschel Said.
Puncturing the Barrier and Rewards Asbestos Would Require Fencing to Keep People Back, More Protective Gear, Modified Work Plans, and Air Monitoring, He Said.
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In A “Worst-Case Scenario,” Several Breaches in the Geotextile Barrier Might Cost Another $ 500,000, Hensche Said.
“Core Memorial” Upgrades WOULD Cost About $ 150,000, he Said.
“So we’ll be look at perhaps other way we can do the foundation without going so deep,” he said.
Lighting Changes and Maybe Building Up Institute of Digging Down Are Options, Henschel Said.
City Council Will consider Feb. 10 Whether to go ahead with detailed design work, after staff consulted with a committee of local groups with interest in the site.
The Spirit of the Design, Henschel Said, is expected to “Larly” follow A propose From Architecture Firm Tillman Ruth Robinson That also Eventually Included-After Some Bumps in the Road-Consultation and Ideas from the Committee that includes Victim of Chemical Valley, The Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers, Sarnia-Lambton Building Trades, Workers Health and Safety Center , and the Sarnia and District Labour Council.
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“This is very much stakeholder-Driven, so it’s really about reflecting (the commtite’s) input and their vision,” Henschel Said.
The Design was estimated at $ 725,000 in the fallprompting the committee to Ask Council To wait for more consultation, and see if there we are ways to low the cost.
Hopes are to find in-kind support and donations for the project from sarnia’s skilled plowing body, Said Labor Council President Nick Dockstader.
“The Commitment is there by Council to Make Things Right, but we don want to be the ones costing the city hungs of thousands of dollars,” he said.
The Missing Worker Sculpture, Created by Local Artist Shawn McKnight in the late 1990s, Depicts a Family in Pieces, visible through the Silhouette of A Missing Person and Memorializes Sarnia’s History of Occupational Disease.
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When the sculpture Went back after park remediationit was movated to the base of a newly created berm without the pergola and fountain it had before.
Soggy Ground in the Spring Has Hampered Plans to Return Annual April 28 International Day of Mourning Events to the Site.

Council in 2023 endorsed Restoring the Memorial and Hired Tillmann Ruth Robinson to Create a New Design for the Space.
The firm will stay involved in the detailed design work, estimated in November at $ 10,000Henschel Said.
Meetings with the Committee Also Will continues, he Said. “Just to ensure the design, What’s Delivered Reflects Their Vision.”
If Council ApproSes, hopes are to begin construction this summer and finish before 2026, he said.