Creativity Impasse in the Gaming Industry

How is creativity hindered in the gaming industry? Shawn Layden discusses the impact of big budgets and risk-averse publishers on creativity.

Former president of Sony Interactive Entertainment, Shawn Layden, said that the gaming industry is increasingly shaped by commercial concerns and this situation creativity in the gaming industry states that it has negative effects on the Layden thinks ballooning budgets and risk-averse publishers in recent years have dulled the industry’s creative spirit.

Business Concerns That Limit Creativity

GamescomAsiaSpeaking at a panel held in , Layden explained that in the old days, there was more freedom in the game development process and decisions were made more entertainment-oriented. “The only question we used to ask was: Is it fun? “If our answer was yes, the project would be given the green light,” said Layden. Today, this approach has been replaced by “what is the money-making plan?” He said he received questions like these. He stated that this change is largely due to AAA game budgets reaching triple-digit million dollars.

Horizon: Forbidden West And The Last of Us Part 2 Stating that billions of dollars are spent on big-budget productions such as these, Layden stated that for this reason, broadcasters are turning to less risky projects that will provide guaranteed income. While this situation prevents creative new games in the industry, it causes sequels and imitations of popular games to become widespread.

According to Layden, in the gaming world today there are either independent games or big-budget blockbusters. THQ While companies producing lower-budget but innovative games such as have filled this gap in the past, the number of such productions has decreased today. Uncharted as well as big hits like The Last Guardian Smaller but creative productions like these are rarely seen anymore.

While Layden agrees that indie games still deliver quality titles, he laments the disappearance of mid-tier projects in the middle. This deficiency stands out as one of the biggest problems restricting creativity in the gaming world.
