Emre Buğday, one of the important game developers of our country, continues his career abroad. Emre Buğday, who has proven his skills and competence on an international basis; He does not hesitate to share his knowledge, experiences and acquisitions with game developers at the beginning of their careers. The name, which sheds light on many people who have recently joined or want to join the gaming industry, continues its efforts in this direction with various events. In this context, the workshop Creating Marketable Games from the Perspective of a Game Designer with Emre Buğday will be held tomorrow (Friday, October 13) at 20 pm. Game Design Turkey is on Discord Channel will be carried out.
Creating Marketable Games from the Perspective of a Game Designer with Emre Buğday
Emre Buğday, who works as a “Senior Technical Designer” at Bohemia Interactive, a video game company based in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, does not neglect to convey his knowledge and experiences to his stakeholders in the game industry while climbing the career ladder one after another. He will meet online with game developers and other actors of the industry on Game Design Turkey Discord Channel. Emre Kaplan Buğday’s Those who want to benefit from their experiences can follow the workshop.
About Emre Kaplan Buğday
Emre Kaplan Buğday, who received his undergraduate education at Bahçeşehir University Digital Game Design Department, entered the sector by completing the relevant department with a GPA of over 3. in 2020 Cultic Games Emre Buğday, who worked as an intern for 7 months, also took part in the development of the cat adventure game Cats and the Other Lives.
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By mid-2021 Metaverse Game Studios Emre Buğday, who worked as a software engineer in Istanbul, then moved to Mensa Interactive and worked in this company for more than 1 year. Emre Buğday, who left his job as a technical designer until October 2022, moved to Bohemia Interactive, where he currently works, as of the end of 2022.

About Bohemia Interactive
Operating headquartered in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic Bohemia Interactive is in the gaming industry A highly experienced and well-established company. The video game development company, which was founded in 1999 and has been operating since then, is known for its talented team and successful projects. Some of the games developed by Bohemia Interactive to date are as follows:
- Silica
- Someday You’ll Return: Director’s Cut
- Rigging Reforger
- DayZ
- vigor
- Armament 3
- ylands
- Arma 3 Karts
- Arma 3 Zeus
- Arma 3 Helicopters
- Arma 3 Tanks
- Arma 3 Marxmen
- Arma 3 Apex
- Arma 3 Contact
- Arma 3 Jets
- Arma 3 Laws Of War
- Arma 3 Tac-Ops
- Arma 3 Malden
- Slang
- Arma Mobile Ops
- DayZ Livonia
- Ylands Exploration Pack
- Take On Mars
- Armament 2
- Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead
- Arma 2 British Armed Forces
- Arma 2 Private Military Company
- Arma 2 Army Of Czech Republic
- Arma: Cold War Assault
- Arma Queens Gambit
- Arma Tactics
- Carrier Command
- Father Frost
- Fish Fillets
- Gooka – The Mystery of Janatris
- Original War
- Pound of Ground
- Shade: Wrath of Angels
- Take On Helicopters
- Take On Helicopters: Hinds
- UFO: Afterlight
- Pat & Mat
- alternative
- Alpha Prime