Crayfish plague remains in Skellefteälven: “A bit of a disappointment”

After tips about a large amount of dead crayfish in the Skellefteälven last year, attention was drawn to an extensive outbreak of crayfish plague.

– Last year, the crayfish plague wiped out basically the entire crayfish population in the Skellefteälven. This year we had the ambition to investigate whether we still have crayfish plague and river crayfish, says Tony Söderlund, fisheries consultant at Skellefteå municipality.

Placed crayfish in cages

About 40 crayfish were released in about 15 different places in the Skellefteälven. When the cages with the crayfish were taken up, it was found that a majority had died, all were sent for analysis.

– A majority of the crayfish died, we had crayfish in cages for a long time, which was perhaps not an optimal environment for the crayfish. But it was only those at the top of the river that were infected with crayfish plague, says Tony Söderlund.

The fight against the infection continues

Right now, a dialogue is being conducted with the county administration and fisheries management associations along the Skellefteälven about new test releases further up the river.

– Since the source right now seems to be higher up than we have previously looked for, we need to do further investigations, says Tony Söderlund.

Anything that has been in contact with the water in the river can spread the infection further, therefore the restrictions will continue to apply in the future.

Hear the fisheries consultant about the disappointment after the confirmed crayfish plague in the video.
