Craig Bree will be buried on Tuesday – a big decision is expected from Hyundai

Rally driver Craig Breen 33 has died in tests before

Craig Breen, who died in the tests of the World Rally Championship in Croatia, will be buried on Tuesday in his home country of Ireland.

The rally driver who died last week Craig Breen will be buried in his home country on Tuesday, says Dirtfish website (you are moving to another service). Breen, 33, died during the Hyundai team’s tests for the World Rally Championship in Croatia.

Breen’s co-workers, competitors and friends from around the world visited the family’s home in Waterford on Sunday and Monday. The funeral will begin on Tuesday at one in the afternoon at the Church of the Sacred Heart.

Hyundai is still thinking about its participation in this week’s World Rally Championship in Croatia. According to Dirtfish, Hyundai’s decision is still expected later on Monday.

Hyundai’s Finnish driver Esapekka Lappi didn’t want to take a stand last week on whether the rally should be run or not. However, he feels that he is fit to drive if it is decided to run the rally.

– If purely money comes first, then the rally will be driven by force. If you think about humanity, it’s a different story. Everyone knows that, unfortunately, money is the deciding factor in many things, Lappi told Urheilu.
