Crack in the bag of waters: how to recognize it?

Crack in the bag of waters how to recognize it

Close to the term of pregnancy, the rupture of the bag of waters can expose baby to infections. How to recognize it? What to do ? The advice of Anh-Chi Ton, liberal midwife.

There fissure in the pocket of waters affects some women in late pregnancy. There loss of fluidamniotic fluid, which flows in small quantities from the vagina is then felt. This stage in pregnancy is to differentiate from the frank rupture of the bag of waters. In any case, it must lead to a consultation with a doctor. Depending on the situation and depending on the stage of the pregnancy, medical care will be put in place for the future mother and her baby. How to recognize that it is indeed a crack in the bag of waters? Is this a sign of childbirth? What to do ? Answers from Anh-Chi Ton, liberal midwife in Paris.

What is the fissure of the water bag?

The bag of waters is made up of two membranes, the amnion and the chorion, a thicker layer which is in contact with the maternal uterus. It plays a fundamental role sinceit protects baby from shocks and bacterial infections. Amniotic fluid provides babies with a stable temperature environment and provides them with water and mineral salts every day. The membranes can rupture in two ways: suddenly with an abundant and frank flow, or else the bag of waters may crack, leaving only a thin trickle of liquid to escape.

In the event of a crack, a small amount of liquid will flow out several times, regularly. But for the medical profession, whether it’s a clean break or a crack, it’s the same thing, because the baby is then no longer safe in its sterile pouch and is therefore exposed to infections“, explains Anh-Chi Ton, midwife.

“If there is a crack, a small amount of liquid will flow out in several, regular intervals.”

What are the causes of a rupture of the bag of waters?

Sometimes you can’t identify the cause of a ruptured water bag. It occurs most often at the end of pregnancy, when the baby is full term and under the effect of contractions. There are also several risk factors: a history of premature delivery, infection, placenta previa, etc. On the other hand, let future parents be reassured, a fissure of the waters cannot be caused by sexual intercourse.

Is it possible to have a fissure of the water bag without contractions?

The fissure of the water bag can be accompanied by contractions, but this is not systematic. Hence the difficulty for the pregnant woman to identify the event as the sign of childbirth. “There are protaglandins in the amniotic fluid, hormones that will precisely simulate and cause contractions. Crack of the waters bag can actually cause the contractions, just as contractions can cause a fissureexplains Anh-Chi Ton.

What is the difference between a cracked water bag and a urinary leak?

During pregnancy, pregnant women often observe an increase in their vaginal discharge which will also change in texture. “Urinary leakage can also occur, for example during a sneeze due to excessive pressure exerted on the abdomen.l”, details the midwife. But then, how to distinguish a vaginal discharge, a urinary leak from a true rupture of the bag of waters? Anh-Chi Ton recommends that the mother-to-be put on a dress at home, without wearing anything underneath.

  • If it is a cracked water bag, fluid will flow down the leg intermittently or continuously.
  • Amniotic fluid is colorless and odorless, whereas vaginal discharge is usually thicker and viscous.
  • As for urine, its odor is obviously characteristic.

Does the crack in the bag of waters announce childbirth?

Generally, it is the frank rupture of the bag of waters which indicates that the delivery is near. The rupture of the bag of waters as for it is not necessarily the sign of an imminent childbirth, even this occurs as the term of pregnancy approaches. On the other hand, it is advisable to consult your practitioner to know the nature of this crack and to carry out additional examinations if necessary.

What to do in case of rupture of the bag of waters?

A crack in the pocket of water requires consultation, but without urgency. It is therefore not necessary to leave for the maternity ward in the minute or to call the fire brigade“, reassures the midwife. Upon arrival at the maternity ward, and in case of doubt about the nature of the liquid, the woman will undergo a vaginal sample to ensure that it is indeed amniotic fluid. If the fissure is confirmed, the expectant mother is hospitalized. Treatment differs depending on the stage of pregnancy. “When the baby is full term, the woman will be put on antibiotics after 12 hours, then labor will be triggered after 24 to 48 hours.“, comments the specialist.

Thanks to Anh-Chi Ton, midwife.
