Crabs: size, symptoms, treatment

Crabs size symptoms treatment

Crabs or “pubic lice” are sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). What symptoms when you have them? What treatment to get rid of it? White vinegar?

Crabs are lice, tiny insectswhich look like small crabs and nest in genital (pubic) hair to lay their eggs there. It is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that is itchy, not serious, but should be treated. What is the origin of crabs? How do we catch them? Is it serious to have crabs? How do we know if we have any? How to get rid of it quickly?

Definition: what are crabs?

crabs (Phtirius inguinalis) are of small insects of black colorof millimeter size. “They are responsible fora communicable disease called phthiriasisthe medical term for lice infestation“, specifies Dr. Nina Roos, dermatologist. Pubic lice nest in the hairs of the genitals and lay their eggs there, called “nits”. They stick to short hairs. Crabs feed on human blood and only survive outside the body for 24 hours. Phthiriasis is considered an STI.

Anal crabs: what are they?

While crabs most often nest in pubic hair, they can attach themselves to any short hair such as those on the anus, armpits, chest, beard, eyebrows or eyelashes.

Photo of a crab lice (or pubic louse)

© Warren Rosenberg – 123RF

What are the symptoms of a crab infestation?

The presence of crabs causes discomfort in the pubic hair, itching and lesions, induced by scratching. Crabs itch more at night.

What is the size of a crab stick?

The morpion resembles a small crab. Its size does not exceed 2-3 millimeters.

Crabs are not the result of poor hygiene. Just like its “cousin”, the hair louse, it can be caught anywhere, by direct contact:

  • During sexual intercourse with an infected person (the most frequent mode of contamination)
  • At the swimming pool
  • Using someone else’s towel or their clothes.
  • Sleeping in contaminated bedding…
  • Parasites, on the other hand, cannot be transmitted simply via toilet bowls.

It is necessary that consult a general practitioner or a dermatologist as soon as the first genital itching occurs. Crabs can be highlighted on close examination of pubic hair. They look like a small spot located at the base of the hairs. Nits can also be identified as small rounded lumps stuck to the hair. If necessary, a magnifying glass is used. If phthiriasis is confirmed, other sexually transmitted infections should be sought.

What treatment to get rid of crabs?

The treatment of crabs must be followed by the affected person but also by all his sexual partners. It consists of the application of a treating shampoo (based on permethrin), usually once, renewable a week later. According to the instructions for use, it is necessary to leave the product on for a few moments, before comb and rinse. As you would with lice… Clothes and sheets should be cleaned at more than 50°C.

Can you get rid of crabs with white vinegar?

White vinegar would be an effective home remedy for killing lice and nits. You should add a dose of vinegar for a dose dose, let it act on the hair for 15 to 30 minutes then rinse thoroughly. No scientific study has proven the effectiveness of white vinegar on crabs.

What prevention to avoid contamination with crabs?

Integral hair removal is a solution to prevent their occurrence. Prevention is based on the treatment of partners in the event of proven phthiriasis in order to avoid any recurrence. Wearing a condom does not prevent contamination.

Thanks to Dr. Nina Roos, dermatologist.
