CovidList: reopened, how to register for your 3rd dose?

CovidList reopened how to register for your 3rd dose

On hiatus since last October, the CovidListe site will resume service on December 6 to help the French find an appointment to do their booster dose of the vaccine (3rd dose). How it works ? Reminder of the principle.

[Mise à jour le 6 décembre 2021 à 12h21] Launched in March 2021 to meet the urgent needs of French people wishing to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, the site CovidList had been stopped in October lack of demand. But with the resumption of appointments to make his third injection anti-Covid vaccine (booster), the site resumes service: “Faced with the influx of requests generated by the recall campaign and the difficulties encountered by some French people to make an appointment, the volunteers of Covidliste made the decision to relaunch the service. The objective: to help the French to find an appointment as soon as possible “ can we read on the site. As a reminder, CovidListe is a free application allowingbe alerted when a dose of covid vaccine is available near your home to avoid wasted dose.

What is the CovidListe application?

CovidList is a free application which allows you to be alerted when a dose of anti-covid vaccine is available near your home. It was designed by Martin Daniel and Mathieu Ripert, two data experts, in collaboration with Dr Antoine Roux, pulmonologist at Foch hospital in Suresnes. “The anecdote came from my wife on March 23 : his friend Aimé had gone to a center to hope to receive a supernumerary dose. Without success. Rumors were circulating: this center had to throw out 5 doses the day before, for lack of volunteers “ told Martin Daniel on his Twitter account. After talking to Dr Roux and his engineering friends, he believes that “it’s worth moving forward”, he continues. He codes a first version and announces on Twitter the March 30, 2021 having launched A hundreds of volunteers have been recruited to continue the deployment of this device. This application lists all candidates for vaccination and sends them an alert when a remaining dose searches for a taker nearby. A lever which makes it possible to avoid the wastage of doses, and to accelerate the vaccination campaign in France. “The vocation of Covidliste is to allow all available doses of vaccine to be used, Martin Daniel told us, co-founder of the application. Thanks to the technology deployed, CovidListe makes it possible to speed up the connection between practitioners and voluntary individuals as soon as a dose is identified as available, everywhere in mainland France as well as in the DROM-COM. As vaccine stocks are sold better and more quickly, collective immunity can be achieved more quickly. This is our only objective! ” Between March and July 2021, more than 41,000 appointments for a first injection have been confirmed.

Vaccination professionals (vaccination centers, pharmacists, medical offices and nurses) inform the available time slots and determine the profile of volunteers by setting the criteria (age, distance from the vaccination point) to alert a volunteer of the availability of a vaccine dose. A search for volunteers can be launched regardless of the number of doses available.

“All French people wishing to be alerted to the availability of an appointment near their home can register on Covidliste”

The CovidListe site will be relaunched on December 6 to help French people wishing to take their booster dose to find a place of vaccination. “All French people wishing to be alerted to the availability of an appointment near their home can register on Covidliste ” explains the site.

  • Covidliste recommends that candidates already registered on the platform go to the site to verify that their account is still active.
  • If the account is no longer active, you must re-register.
  • Covidliste also invites people who have already received their booster dose to unsubscribe in order to increase the chances of others to benefit quickly from a date.
  • Candidates for vaccination do not need to look for an appointment, they are automatically notified once registered.

For which vaccines?

The principle of CovidListe being to avoid throwing open doses, the four vaccines currently authorized in France are offered, namely those from Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Janssen. For the reminders, the vaccines offered are only those of Pfizer and Moderna.

What about data security?

On the Covid Twitter account List, the team of volunteers reassured its users about the use of their data. We do not collect any medical data and only the data necessary to be able to “match” you with a partner vaccination center: your contact, your geographic coordinates and your age. “ It also specifies that the data is hosted in France, with a French host named Scalingo, and that all personal information collected is encrypted before being recorded. Thereby, CovidListe guarantees the anonymity of data from vaccination centers. The latter could only select volunteers based on basic selection criteria such as age and distance from the vaccination center. At last, you can delete your account at any time : all the data disappears, no trace is kept.

If you want to unsubscribe from Covid List, it’s simple: all you have to do is go to the site, connect to your personal space and click on “Delete my account”.
