Covid warning from the World Health Organization: The pandemic is not over, new variants may appear

Covid warning from the World Health Organization The pandemic is

World Health Organization (WHO) President Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus said that the coronavirus epidemic is not over. Ghebreyesus warned world leaders against the perception that the dominant Omicron variant is much milder, removing the threat posed by the virus.

Ghebreyesus, at the press conference he held at the headquarters of the organization in Geneva, stated that 18 million cases were seen worldwide last week and said:

“We are far from saying that the epidemic is over. In general, milder symptoms are seen in the Omicron variant. But do not be under the misconception that this is a mild disease. Omicron can hospitalize and cause death. Even much milder cases are putting pressure on healthcare.”

Stating that Omicron cases “increased incredibly” at the global level, Ghebreyesus stated that new variants may emerge, and therefore, contact tracing is of vital importance.

Ghebreyesus said, “It is worrying that vaccination rates are low in many countries. Because people who have not been vaccinated have a much higher risk of having a severe illness or losing their life,” he said.

WHO’s emergency director, Dr. Mike Ryan also said that the high contagiousness of the disease, especially in countries where the number of vaccinated people is less, may increase hospitalizations and deaths.

Record increase in the number of cases in Europe

The WHO’s warning came at a time when the number of cases in some European countries reached record levels.

In France, the number of cases yesterday increased more than four times compared to the previous day and became 464 thousand 769. This number has never been reached since the start of the pandemic.

In Denmark, 33 thousand 493 cases were announced yesterday. In Italy, it was announced that the number of cases increased three times compared to the previous day, reaching 228 thousand 179.

Teachers’ unions in France, who said that the government’s testing and isolation protocol disrupted education, decided to strike for the second time in a week.

Half of the country’s primary schools failed due to the one-day work stoppage last week.

While teachers say that the disruptions in lessons have reached an unmanageable level, it is stated that children form long queues for tests in front of pharmacies, where many families have difficulty in getting vaccination appointments for their children.

Call for French Education Minister to resign

Meanwhile, calls are being made to resign after it was revealed that French Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer announced the strict Covid testing protocol while on vacation in Ibiza.

But there are also signs that cases of Omicron have passed the peak in some European countries.

In Ireland, the number of cases has started to decrease in recent days. Health Minister Stephen Donnelly said the restrictions imposed during the Christmas and New Year’s holidays could be eased.

The Spanish government has announced that the number of cases has dropped for the first time since the emergence of the Omicron variant.

In the UK, the government is preparing to ease the measures as the number of cases begins to fall.

