Covid, the rate of positivity is down today

Covid the rate of positivity rises

(Finance) – They are 13,668 the new infections from Covid recorded in the last 24 hours according to data from the Ministry of Health (yesterday they were 27,162). The victims are 102, with an increase of 40 compared to yesterday. There are 982,368 people currently positive for Covid, 15,750 fewer in the last 24 hours. A total of 17,071,649 Italians have been infected since the beginning of the pandemic, while the deaths rise to 165,346. The discharged and healed are 15,923,935, with an increase of 29,424 compared to yesterday.

I’m 104.793 the tampons molecular and antigenic for the coronavirus carried out in the last 24 hours (yesterday 194,577. The positivity rate is 13%, down from 14% yesterday. 353 patients are hospitalized in therapy intensive, 6 more than yesterday in the balance between income and expenses. The daily admissions are 24. I hospitalized in the ordinary departments there are 7,631, or 99 more than yesterday.
