Covid: the executive wants to “protect without isolating” in nursing homes “play trust with families”

Covid the executive wants to protect without isolating in nursing

The fifth wave has so far spared retirement homes, the result of record vaccination coverage. However, contaminations are evolving because of the Omicron variant and on the eve of Christmas and the end of the year, the government “invites the directors” of nursing homes to suspend visits and outings only “exceptionally. “And” temporary “.

On the ground, family associations note the persistence of restrictive measures. The Circle of Caregivers in Ehpad wanted the Minister Delegate in charge of Autonomy to remove by decree the police power of the directors, because from one establishment to another, the rules are not the same. The explanations of Laurence Tcheng, co-founder of the Circle of Caregivers in Ehpad (CPAE).

