Covid, swabs towards the end of mandatory for Chinese passengers

Covid swabs towards the end of mandatory for Chinese passengers

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – While in China the victims of Covid-19 continue to countin the midst of a new pandemic wave, the possibility of remove the requirement for tampons to passengers arriving from China. The ordinance on the mandatory swab checks in Italian airports will expire on January 31 and there are plans not to extend it, even if this hypothesis is not shared by the scientific community.

“The numbers are very reassuring. We are calm, for now. The mandatory swabs on citizens arriving with a direct flight from China have not revealed the presence of variants of the virus other than Omicron”, said the Minister of Health Horace Schillaciin an interview with Corriere della Sera.

“I would take a more cautious line and I would be very cautious from an epidemiological point of view depending on what is happening among the Chinese population”, says the virologist Massimo Andreoniprofessor of infectious diseases at the Tor Vergata University of Rome and scientific director of the Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (Simit).

“The swabs for passengers arriving in Italy from China should not be interrupted on January 31, but extended at least until February 10”, he underlines Massimo Ciccozzihead of the Medical Statistics and Epidemiology Unit of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the Campus Bio-Medico in Rome, explaining “the Chinese are moving after a long closure and the departures and returns for the Lunar New Year are staggered over time”.

meanwhile, in China in the week from 13 to 19 January, they were counted about 13,000 victims due to Covid-19of which 681 patients for respiratory problems caused directly by the virus and 11,977 for other diseases combined with the coronavirus.
