Covid: stable infected and positivity rate at 14.8%, 149 victims

Covid stable infected and positivity rate at 148 149 victims

(Finance) – Covid infections are almost stablewhich in the last 24 hours have stood at 64.951, according to the usual daily data of the Ministry of Health, compared to the 62,037 recorded the previous day. The victims dropped slightly to 149 compared to 155 on Wednesday.

They have been carried out 438.375 the pads molecular and antigenic for the coronavirus in the past 24 hours, up slightly from or 419,995 on Wednesday. The rate of positivity turns out stable at 14.8%.

There are 1,227,662 people currently positive for Covid, 196 fewer than the previous day. 420 patients are hospitalized in intensive care, 29 fewer than on Wednesday, while there are 10,075 hospitalized in the ordinary wards, 91 fewer than on Wednesday.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, a total of 15,533,012 people have been infected, while the dead have risen to 161,336. The discharged and healed are 14,144,014.
