Covid recovery certificate: obtain, SI-DEP, Ameli

Covid recovery certificate obtain SI DEP Ameli

People cured of a Covid infection can collect a “certificate of recovery” if they test positive. Its period of validity is 4 months for those concerned by the booster dose. How to get it? With what test? On Ameli? Sidep? For traveling ? Practical Guide.

[Mise à jour le 3 mars 2022 à 11h40] the certificate of reinstatement of the Covid corresponds as a result of a positive PCR or antigen test to the Sars-Cov-2 virus which proves that you have been infected with the virus. This certificate of reinstatement is recognized in the health pass for 12-15 year olds and in the vaccination pass for ages 16 and up. Its validity period is 4 months for persons over 18 years of age concerned. by the vaccine booster dose, as announced by the Ministry of Health at the end of January. The under 18 can use it for 6 months. How? ‘Or’ What to obtain a Covid recovery certificate? Where the to find ? On Sidep ? How the Download in TousAntiCovid? Practical Guide.

What is a Covid recovery certificate?

The certificate of reinstatement corresponds to a positive Covid PCR or antigen test which proves that one has been infected with the virus. Since the risk of contagiousness for these people is lower, they can use this certificate as a health or vaccination pass for 4 months (for those 18+) or 6 months (for those under 18).

To obtain the Covid recovery certificate, you must complete a RT-PCR test or one antigen test (only the PCR is valid for travel to Europe). This Covid test must be positive. The serological tests who can attest to a past infection with Covid are not accepted as proof of recovery from Covid. Same thing for the self-tests. To be valid, the PCR or antigen test must be positive and date ofat least 11 days and less than 4 months for French people aged 18 and over (or 6 months for minors).

  • The process for retrieving proof of a positive test is the same as for negative tests via SI-DEP.
  • The patient can connect to the portal via the link received by email or SMSor by clicking on the button FranceConnect present on SI-DEP.
  • To identify yourself with FranceConnect you will need your access codes to your Ameli account, your MSA account, your tax area… The connection is only open to beneficiaries of a French health insurance scheme.
  • I’importing the proof into the TousAntiCovid application is possible from the paper or PDF of the test result by scanning the QR Code or by clicking on a link to import and store the result in the TousAntiCovid Notebook.

Covid test results are not not downloadable from (as is the Covid vaccination certificate). To retrieve the reinstatement certificate, you must connect to the platform with their FranceConnect identifiers or click on the link sent by email or SMS. This certificate includes identification data (name, date of birth) and information relating to the screening (date and type of test, negative or positive result) and a QR code that you can scan and import into the TousAntiCovid Carnet application.

SI-DEP is the government platform on which you can find your Covid test results (positive or negative). It allows to recover the proof of a positive PCR or antigen test to act as a certificate of reinstatement. Just log in to the platform with their FranceConnect identifiers or click on the link sent by email or SMS after the test has been carried out. All PCR or antigen tests generate proof as soon as the professional enters the result into the SI-DEP database, which can be printed directly and which is also made available to the patient via email and SMS to go to the recover on SI-DEP. Antigen test (negative or positive) or RT-PCR (negative or positive) test result certificates are authenticated with a QR Codeand can be imported into TousAntiCovid.

How long is a certificate of reinstatement valid?

The certificate of reinstatement is valid 4 months against 6 months for French people over 18 (affected by the booster dose):

  • the certificate of recovery must be dated at least 11 days after infection and is valid for up to 4 months for ages 18 and up (it is the date of the positive test that counts).
  • the certificate of recovery must be dated at least 11 days after infection and is valid for up to 6 months for under 18s.

A person who has had Covid and has, in fact, a positive PCR or antigen test proving his infection, has a recovery certificate for 4 months, recognized as a vaccination pass, as confirmed by the government. Simply upload the test result to the TousAntiCovid app and present it as proof of your vaccination pass. The people who tested positive for Covid-19 before they could receive their dose reminder can use their certificate of recovery so that their “vaccination pass” remains valid while waiting for their booster dose.

Is an antigen test recognized as a certificate of recovery?

Yes, a positive coronavirus antigen test is recognized as proof of Covid infection and can serve as a certificate of recovery in France (in the same way as a PCR test). In contrast, in Europe, only a PCR test positive is valid as a certificate of recovery for travel.

Is a serological test valid as a certificate of recovery?

Even if the serological test proves a past Covid infection by highlighting the presence of antibodies directed against Sars-Cov-2, it is not recognized as proof of Covid recovery. Only a positive Covid PCR or antigen test can serve as a certificate of recovery.

Can I travel with a certificate of recovery?

The reinstatement certificate can be used for travel abroad according to the rules that apply in each country, warns the french government. Corn only if it is a positive PCR testas specified on the European Council website. The result of a positive antigen test for Covid infection is not taken into account at borders. The positive PCR test must be dated less than 180 days (6 months) according to Council rules European. The 27 member states of Europe must in theory accept it but it is still better to check the conditions of each country of destination on Before leaving.

Who can get a certificate of reinstatement?

To obtain the Covid recovery certificate, you must prove that you have been infected with the coronavirus and have recovered from it. The result attesting to the recovery of Covid-19 is limited to one RT-PCR test or positive antigen dat least 11 days and less than 4 months for those over 18, from the date of the test. Then you have to get vaccinated. to access places subject to the vaccination pass. People who are not affected by the booster dose (under 18) can use their positive Covid test result for 6 months.

The covid recovery certificate can be presented in paper or digital version. To integrate it into the TousAntiCovid application, it’s very simple: just scan the QR Code of your SI-DEP document via the link received by SMS following the completion of the test and open it in the application. . The document will then be saved in the “TousAntiCovid Carnet” functionality. SI-DEP is the secure platform in which the results of the RT-PCR tests carried out in the laboratory are stored.


Vaccination pass: what changes from February 15? Ministry of Solidarity and Health, January 27, 2022.

Sanitary pass: the recovery certificate is now kept for 6 months

Recovery certificates obtained before implementation of the QR Code. DGS July 29, 2021.

Decree No. 2021-910 of July 8, 2021 amending Decree No. 2021-699 of June 1, 2021 prescribing the general measures necessary for managing the end of the health crisis.

Test certificates and vaccination certificates to secure travel within the European Union, Ministry of Solidarity and Health.

Press kit the “sanitary pass” becomes European. June 29, 2021. Update on August 4.

Health Pass Info, Government
