In the midst of the ninth wave of Covid-19, children are also affected by this epidemic rebound. The Covid protocol for the school presented at the start of the school year provided for an adjustment of the measures according to the health situation. Has the level changed with this new episode?
The epidemic of covid set off again with a vengeance in France. A ninth wave, which like the previous one, does not spare children. At the dawn of winter 2022 and as this epidemic rebound is coupled with seasonal diseases, such as the flu which is at the same time making its big comeback, the question of the health protocol at school naturally arises. The one established by the Ministry of Education for this school year precisely provides for temporal alignments according to the epidemic situation and the spread of the virus. For the time being, despite a considerable increase in contamination, no change has been announced. A few days before the Christmas holidays, the government seems to want to maintain the level at the base as much as possible, in force since September. Nevertheless, the teaching staff as well as the children are also affected by this umpteenth crisis which, if it lasted all winter, would inevitably lead to a successive increase in protocol levels at school. Should we fear the closure of schools for all that? No. Even at the red level, lessons will be provided face-to-face, with possibly arrangements for high school students only.
What do the four levels of the health protocol correspond to?
Having opted for the so-called “base” level for the next school year 2022-2023, the health protocol provides for four in all.
- The measurement base : face-to-face reception, and physical and sports activities are authorized indoors and outdoors without restriction, no limitation of mixing between students
- “Level 1 (green) is equivalent to moderate vigilance, reminder and encouragement of barrier gestures, limitation of large gatherings.
- Level 2 (orange) to increased vigilance, the reinforcement of barrier gestures, the adaptation of practical methods in physical education and sports (EPS).
- Level 3 (red) is equivalent to a very unfavorable development, with a doctrine of reception in high school and the strengthening of restrictive measures (limited physical and sports activities)”have, in fact, explained the unions to AFP.
What is the protocol in schools for students identified as a Covid-19 contact case?
With regard to contact-tracing and in accordance with the “base” level decided for its health supervision, the pupils contact case are not subject to eviction, on the other hand, positive students will have to stay in isolation for 7 days. The Ministry of National Education further specifies that “the contact-tracing rules applicable to school are those adopted by the health authorities for adults and children in the general population.”

Will the mask become compulsory again at school?
Currently, due to the ninth epidemic wave of Covid, the government is encouraging people to put on the mask again, especially in closed and crowded spaces. Strong encouragement which is not currently mandatory, which could change (especially for public transport) if the triple epidemic of Covid, flu and bronchiolitis came to saturate the hospitals. As for school, wearing a mask is not on the agenda, neither inside nor in front. Its reintroduction will be modeled on the measures instituted for the general population, from level 1 of the Covid health protocol for schools.
If your child tests positive for Covid, he should not go to class for a full week. A delicate situation to manage for parents who absolutely have to work, and who are already anxious at the idea of facing possible school closures following power cuts. with regard to the care of a child with Covid, here are the devices on which they can rely to be able to stay with him at home during his eviction.
What health protocol in the canteen?
As part of the base level decided at the start of the 2022 school year, no change is planned in the normal operation of the canteen.. “From level 1 (green level), the time slots and the number of services are adapted in such a way as to limit the flows and the density of occupation and to allow the limitation of mixing” can be read on the ministry’s website education. At level 3, the limitation of mixing between pupils of different groups (groups of classes or level) is required. In the first degree, mixing between pupils of different classes must be avoided during the restoration. This limitation is all the more necessary when the distance between pupils of the same group can hardly be respected (in particular in nursery school).