Covid, possible extension of the obligation of masks on public transport until September

Covid the number of new cases is slightly increasing hospitalizations

(Finance) – The Undersecretary for Health, Andrew It costshypothesized a possible extension of the obligation of the mask on means of transport – “more crowded places and where you still need a little caution” -, in the Rsa and in hospitals until the end of September. Tomorrow when the Council of Ministers will decide on the use of masks. It is expected to stop after June 15th for use in theaters, cinemas and indoor sporting events.

Costa also spoke of a trust deed “towards citizens who for two and a half years have respected rules, restrictions, towards those citizens who have significantly adhered to the vaccination campaign”.objectivehe added, is to live with the pandemic and this means returning to social life, to normalcy.

Regarding the use of masks in the exams of maturity, the Undersecretary of Health explained: “I believe that going from an obligation to a recommendation is an act of trust and a choice of consistency and common sense. A further sign of a return to normalcy. It was difficult to argue how an 18-year-old boy could have to vote without the obligation to wear a mask and a week later obliged to wear it to take the final exams “. “What we have to observe very carefully is the data on the pressure on our hospitals, today fortunately these data are absolutely under control “, added Costa.

Meanwhile, they are 39,474 the new ones contagions from Covid recorded in the last 24 hours according to data from the Ministry of Health (yesterday they were 10,371). The victims are 73, an increase compared to 41 yesterday. A total of 228,559 were performed, including antigenic and molecular tampons with the rate of positivity at 17.3%, up from 13.9% yesterday. 183 patients are hospitalized in therapy intensive, 10 less than yesterday. The daily admissions are 24. The hospitalized in the ordinary wards are 4,199, or 11 less than yesterday.
