COVID outbreak at NGH

COVID outbreak at NGH

Outbreak at Holmes House declared over

A COVID-19 outbreak has been declared at Norfolk General Hospital in Simcoe.

This one on NGH’s 4B complex continuing-care unit was declared Tuesday after two asymptomatic cases were detected during routine surveillance testing upon discharge.

Infection prevention and control protocols have been enacted, NGH said Wednesday in a news release. Deep sanitation of common areas and surfaces is underway. Contract tracing is ongoing and all patients are being monitored for COVID-19 symptoms.

Patients and health-care workers in the affected unit are being tested. Family care-providers are prevented from entering the unit until further notice.

“These temporary measures are in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and to ensure the safety of patients, staff, physicians and the community,” spokesperson Aaron Gautreau said in a news release.

In a related development, NGH – in consultation with the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit – has declared an outbreak of COVID-19 detected at the Holmes House addictions-detoxification center on West Street across from the hospital over.

The outbreak was declared at Holmes House Jan. 14 after three staff members tested positive for the coronavirus.

“During the outbreak, no cases were identified with clients,” Gautreau said, adding withdrawal management services at Holmes House are tentatively scheduled to resume Jan. 31.

“It is possible this attempt date may be modified due to widespread transmission of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 in our community, which has sent several of our staff into self-isolation,” Gautreau said.

“Updates will be provided if the re-opening date changes. Holmes House remains vigilant in following the infection prevention and control safety measures in place to protect our clients and our staff during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

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