Covid map: World, France, travel, zones by color

Covid map World France travel zones by color

COVID EPIDEMIC CARD. The circulation of the coronavirus epidemic in the world is continuing, the maps prove it. What situation by department? In Europe ? In the world ? For traveling ? Pictures.

[Mise à jour le 19 avril 2022 à 15h59] The Covid epidemic in France and around the world continues to circulate, the monitoring maps illustrate this well. What situation in France ? By departments ? In Europe ? In the world ? here are the pictures published by French Public Health, the Ministry of Health and the Directorate General for Health and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) for the outbreak in Europe.

Covid map in Europe

Map of the Covid epidemic in Europe updated on April 14, 2022 © ECDC

What are the red zones in France?

the dashboard of the covid epidemic published by the government shows that the circulation of the Covid virus remained high in France in April, even if it fell sharply.

color covid incidence rate as of april 15, 2022
Map of the incidence rate of Covid in France as of April 15, 2022 © Data-gouv-en

Map of countries for traveling

To deal with the spread of Omicron variantthe classification of countries in green, orange and red has evolved with the addition of a classification “Scarlet”. At the end of March, there are only countries in green and orange, a sign that the 5th wave of covid is receding. The map was updated on March 31, 2022 speak government depending on the health situation.

map-covid-travel-world as of March 31, 2022
Map of countries by color for travel on March 31, 2022 ©

Covid map by department

The number of people tested positive for Covid-19 per 100,000 inhabitants over the last 7 days (incidence rate) is a good indicator for understanding the progression of the epidemic. It is closely monitored by the government.

Covid map in the world

world-covid-map as of April 14, 2022
Map of the Covid-19 epidemic in the world as of April 14, 2022 ©

► See the animated spread of the coronavirus around the world


– For French data: dashboard available on and cartographic observatory GEODES of Public Health France.

– For international data: maps from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).
