Covid isolation: duration, positive, (not) vaccinated, contact case

Covid isolation duration positive not vaccinated contact case

COVID ISOLATION RULES. The rules of isolation linked to Covid vary according to the vaccination of the person. Vaccinated contact cases, for example, are no longer required to isolate themselves by default. For positive cases, the duration of isolation is reduced. Rules and number of days of isolation to be respected.

[Mis à jour le 3 mars 2022 à 10h46] The rules for isolating positive cases at the Covid or “contact case” were reduced in January 2022. They are still in force. From now on, the duration insulation varies if the person is vaccinated against the Covid or not vaccinated. However, vaccination status is not taken into account for children under 12. What are the isolation rules? 7 or 10 days? For positive cases? Contact cases? For kids ? At school ? When to quarantine? After a positive test ? Negative ? Guide.

What are the isolation rules in case of covid?

Since January 3, 2022, the isolation rules are the same for positive people regardless of the variant (Delta or Omicron). The duration of isolation depends on the person’s situation (Covid positive or contact case) and their vaccination status. Below, the instructions updated on January 11 by the General Directorate of Health and still in effect:

SituationsIsolation instructions

Positive people with a vaccination schedule full

The isolation is a duration of 7 days (full) after the date of the onset of signs or the date of the collection of the positive test. However, after 5 days, the positive person can leave isolation on two conditions:

  • she performs an antigen test and it is negative
  • she has had no clinical signs of infection for 48 hours

If the test carried out is positive or if the person does not carry out a test, his isolation is maintained at 7 days. She does not carry out a second test on D7. (J means: the day you learn that you are in contact)

Children under 12

The isolation is a duration of 7 days (full) after the date of the onset of signs or the date of the collection of the positive test. However, after 5 days, the positive person can leave isolation on two conditions:

  • she performs an antigen test and it is negative
  • she has had no clinical signs of infection for 48 hours

If the test carried out is positive or if the person does not carry out a test, his isolation is maintained at 7 days. She does not carry out a second test on D7. (J means: the day you learn that you are in contact)

Positive people with vaccination schedule incomplete

Isolation is 10 days (full) after the date of the onset of signs or the date of the collection of the positive test. However, after 7 days, the positive person can leave isolation on two conditions:

  • she performs an antigen or RTPCR test and it is negative
  • she has had no clinical signs of infection for 48 hours

If the test is positive or if the person does not carry out a test, isolation is 10 days.

Positive unvaccinated people

Isolation is 10 days (full) after the date of the onset of signs or the date of the collection of the positive test. However, after 7 days, the positive person can leave isolation on two conditions:

  • she performs an antigen or RTPCR test and it is negative
  • she has had no clinical signs of infection for 48 hours

If the test is positive or if the person does not carry out a test, isolation is 10 days.

Duration: how many days must we isolate ourselves in the event of Covid?

Isolation now only concerns people positive for Covid or contact cases and not vaccinated:

  • Vaccinated Covid-positive people must isolate themselves 7 days (full) after the date of the onset of signs or the date of the collection of the positive test. After 5 days, the positive person can be released from isolation if they have a negative antigen test and they have not had any clinical signs of infection for 48 hours.
  • Unvaccinated Covid-positive people must self-isolate 10 days (full) after the date of the onset of signs or the date of the collection of the positive test. After 7 days, the positive person can be released from isolation if they have a negative antigen test and they have not had any clinical signs of infection for 48 hours.
  • Unvaccinated contact cases (or incomplete) must self-isolate for 7 days and be tested after 7 days to lift their isolation if their test is negative.

What is the isolation period for vaccinated people?

Is considered to have a complete vaccination schedule, a person who has received both doses (or a dose in the event of infection prior to Covid) + a booster dose carried out in accordance with the requirements of the vaccination pass. Isolation is for a period of 7 days (full) after the date of the onset of signs or the date of the collection of the positive test. However, after 5 days, the positive person can leave isolation on two conditions:

  • she performs an antigen test and it is negative
  • she has had no clinical signs of infection for 48 hours

If the test carried out is positive or if the person does not carry out a test, his isolation is maintained at 7 days. She does not carry out a second test on D7.

What is the isolation period for unvaccinated people?

Isolation is 10 days (full) after the date of the onset of signs or the date of the collection of the positive test. However, after 7 days, the positive person can leave isolation on two conditions:

  • she performs an antigen or PCR test and it is negative
  • she has had no clinical signs of infection for 48 hours

If the test is positive or if the person does not carry out a test, isolation is 10 days.

The isolation instructions are not the same depending on the vaccination schedule.

For contact cases with a complete vaccination schedule (recall carried out in accordance with the requirements of the vaccination pass) and children under 12:

  • There is no more quarantinenevertheless contact persons must test themselves and strictly apply barrier measures, and in particular wearing a mask, limit their contact, avoid all contact with people at risk of severe form of Covid, and telework when possible. .

For contact persons with an incomplete vaccination schedule and for the non-vaccinated contact cases:

  • Isolation for a period of 7 days (full) from the date of last contact must be respected.
  • To get out of isolation, you must perform an antigen test or RT-PCR and have a negative result. If the test is positive, the person becomes a case and starts isolation.

What is the duration of isolation if you are positive for Covid?

The duration of isolation for Covid-positive people was reduced on January 3, 2022 for people vaccinated against the coronavirus (full vaccination schedule) and for children under 12 years old.

  • Positive cases vaccinated against Covid and children under 12 : isolation of a duration of 7 days (full) after the date of the onset of signs or the date of the collection of the positive test. Isolation can be lifted after 5 days if the positive person performs an antigen test and it is negative and there are no clinical signs of infection for 48 hours. If the test is still positive or if the person does not perform a test, their isolation is maintained at 7 days.
  • Positive cases not vaccinated (or incompletely) against Covid: isolation 10 days (full) after the date of the onset of signs or the date of the collection of the positive test. Isolation can be lifted after 7 days if the positive person performs an antigen or PCR test and it is negative and there are no clinical signs of infection for 48 hours. If the test is positive or if the person does not carry out a test, isolation is 10 days.

How to get your work stoppage?

Symptomatic employees or contact cases, awaiting a Covid-19 test, can benefit from compensated sick leave without a waiting day and delivered automatically online on the Health Insurance website. Daily allowances from the first day of sick leave for employees and public officials who are sick with Covid-19 are paid until December 30, 2021, in accordance with the decree published on October 30 in the Official newspaper. To make your isolation easier to live with, you need to organize yourself, including at work. For it :

  • I immediately notify my employer that I must self-isolate.
  • If I can telecommute, I do it in the room where I isolate myself.
  • If I can’t telecommute, I can get a work stoppage at the Ameli site. You must commit to carrying out an antigen or RT-PCR test within 2 days of your declaration. Your work stoppage is established from the day of your declaration, including therefore before the test is carried out, and continues until the date on which the test result is obtained is indicated in this online service. A maximum duration of 4 days is set to cover the period during which the test is carried out. Definitive reimbursement by Health Insurance or MSA takes place only if you have carried out the test, but regardless of the results of this test (positive or negative).
  • Your stay must be at least 7 days. It begins on the date of the call or email from Health Insurance. If you isolated yourself spontaneously before being contacted by Health Insurance, the cessation may be retroactive within the limit of 4 days.

Positive cases or contacts who need to be isolated can benefit froma certificate of isolation or “declaration of home care” if they need a work stoppage and cannot telecommute. To simplify their procedures, the Health Insurance has opened since October 3, 2020 the teleservice Contact cases are contacted by Health Insurance and can receive a certificate of isolation to send to their employer if they are not vaccinated. Before paying your daily allowances, Health Insurance will check that you are identified as a contact case.

– Infection or contact case: the new isolation rules against Covid-19 from January 3, 2022

– Covid-19: vulnerable people must apply for a new isolation certificate. 09/15/2021

– Vulnerable people: the new list of criteria since September 9. September 9, 2021.

– What to do in the event of a case of infection with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) 07/22/2021. French Public Health.

– Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2: clinical criteria for release from isolation of infected patients, Haut Conseil de la Santé Publique

– Coronavirus COVID-19: health information and recommendations, ARS Occitanie and Île-de-France

– National union of young general practitioners.

– Covid-19 patient sheet, Public Health France.

– File: Isolation, principles and rules to be respected on the site

– Contact person form,
